Excretory System By: Austin, Josh, Doran and Mitchell
Introduction The Excretory system is very important to the body. This system gets rid of things that the body doesn’t use. There are various organs in this system that play an important job when it comes to excreting waste.
Lungs The function of the lungs in the excretory system is to release gasses that are produced when the body is digesting food. It also releases toxins that other organs give off. Cells that are found in the lungs. ciliated epithelial cells, goblet cells and basal cells. Tissue The lungs contain the respiratory tract and its lining, which terminate inalveoli, and veins, arteries, nerves and lymphatic vessels. The respiratory tractbegins with the trachea and bronchi.
Kidneys Kidneys are one of the most important organs of the body. They are located in the center of your back, they are bean shaped and about the size of your fist. The kidney is pretty much the filter of your body. The kidney does a number of jobs for the excretory system such as: -Balance water levels -Balances Salt levels -Regulate blood pressure -Regulates amounts of acid -Filters blood -Manages mineral levels -Makes urine Kidney failure can be fatal but a person can live with just one kidney. Therefore you can get the bad kidney taken out and still function normally.
Urinary Bladder The waste fluid that is created in the liver and collected in the kidney is transferred into the urinary bladder where it is temporarily stored until the person urinates. When empty the bladder walls become thicker and the entire bladder becomes firm. As the ureters (two tubes that take liquid from the liver and transport it to the bladder.) fills the bladder and the muscle walls thin and the bladder moves upward towards the abdominal cavity.
Urethra The urethra is a small tube that exits the body made for carrying urine out of the body. When the bladder is full it sends a signal for the urethra to open. The male urethra connects to the bladder, from there it exits the body. The urethra in males also connects to the ductus deferens to ejaculate sperm. Male urethra is about 20 cm long. The female urethra is similar to the male urethra. It connects from the bladder and exits the body through the vagina.
Diseases There are many diseases that can occur in your excretory system. These diseases target major organs in the system such as your urethra, kidneys, bladder and such. Here are some diseases a person can get. Kidney Stones –Kidney stones occur when uranic acid builds up inside the kidney and causes extreme pain. While this happens the kidneys have trouble functioning correctly. You can let the kidney stones pass or get them removed by surgery. Cystitis –Cystitis is when the bladder inflames. It may hurt when excreting urine, your urine may smell bad, make your urine cloudy, and cause pain in the abdomen. Bacteria can grow easily in the bladder. Usually it is caused by random infections, bad reactions to some medication, and come along with other illnesses. This can be treated with antibiotics.
Diseases Part 2 Vesicoureteral Reflux – Vesicoureteral Reflux is when the urine flows backwards in the urethra. This is more common in small children than in adults. This happens when there is a problem before a child is bor. It is also caused when the urethra is clogged. Symptoms of this disease are the constant urge to urinate, but unable to and only a little at a time. Burning while urinating, pain in abdomen and fever.
Fun Facts 1.The average person poops around 300 pounds a year. 2.The average person urinates over 3000 times a year 3.The bladder can hold up to 24 ounces of urine 4.Your kidneys filter 78 liters of blood per hour 5.In one day your blood passes through your kidneys over 300 times 6.In a lifetime a person can urinate 7 trillion galleons of urine