The New Deal
FDR’s Inaugural Address
The 100 Days *Bank Holiday *Emergency Banking Act passed in 4 hours
Fireside Chat
Alphabet Soup Agencies CCC WPA AAA TVA FDIC NRA SEC
3 Goals of New Deal Legislation *Relief for needy *Economic Recovery *Financial Reform
Agriculture Adjustment Act Tennessee Valley Authority National Recovery Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Security & Exchange Commission
Federal Emergency Relief Ad. Civil Works Ad. Civilian Conservation Corps
Men building picnic tables for CCC
Critics of the New Deal
Dr Francis Townsend Proposes old age pension $150 per month for 60 or older Paid for by national sales tax
Father Charles Coughlin The Radio Priest
Shrine of the Little Flower
Huey Long The Kingfish
Wagner Act 1935 *workers have right to organize *employer must bargain with Union *National Labor Relations Board
Public Works Administration Social Security Works Progress Administration
WPA builds a road
Orson Welles’ Macbeth
The Cradle Will Rock
Alf Landon
Literary Digest magazine conducted a poll Based on auto registrations called Americans to ask who they want for president
FDRLandon States Votes
Court Packing Plan
Court had struck down AAA and NRA and looking at Social Security FDR proposes increasing court by six First legislative loss – signals the end of easy passage of legislation
Court with upholds Social Security Over the next 4 years 7 justices retire or pass away
The Sit-down Strike Flint, Michigan December 1936-February 1937
Battle of the Running Bulls January 11, 1937
John L. Lewis
Frank Murphy Governor of Michigan
Walter & Victor Reuther
John Maynard Keynes
Harold Ickes Sec. Of Interior
Eleanor Roosevelt
Marian Anderson & Abraham Lincoln
1937 Walt Disney makes a ‘mistake’
1939 The Greatest Year in American Cinema
Victor Fleming
By % of American homes had a radio
Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy
Mercury Theater October 30, 1938
Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo
Pan American Unity City College of San Francisco
Woody Guthrie
Legacy of the New Deal *Gov role in economy *Elevates new groups *Sets up ‘welfare state’ *Roosevelt coalition *Increases expectations *Increased regulation
Criticism of New Deal *Deficit spending *Big Gov. *Gov control of business