The Bracelet by Yoshiko Uchida It’s 1942 and the United States has declared war on Japan. Emi and her Japanese- American family are being sent away to an internment camp in California. Before she leaves, her best friend gives her a bracelet. Emi loses the bracelet and is sad. Emi soon realizes that she does not need the bracelet, but that she holds her friendship in her heart. Japanese American Executive Order 9066 Japanese American Internment Camps Life Before, During, and After Internment Camps Japanese Relocation Students will analyze primary sources to understand the impact of World War II and relocation on Japanese-American citizens. Philomel Books New York, New York ISBN X
What happened on that infamous day?? It is December 8, 1941, the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. You have been asked by your boss to report on the events of December 7, Write a newspaper article on the events of that day. Make sure to include the 5Ws in your article.
How do you feel? You are a Japanese American citizen. Your new home, the United States, has declared war on your old home, Japan. Write a journal entry on your feelings of the U.S. declaring war on Japan.
What were the conditions like? You are a Japanese American who has been forced to move to an internment camp. Write a letter to your friend back home describing the conditions and treatment of people living at the camp.
Was this fair? Japanese-Americans were sent to live at internment camps because they “looked like the enemy”. Do you think this was fair? What were some other groups who were treated like this? How would you feel if this happened to you or your family?
What would you take? Japanese-Americans were forced to live in small housing such as this. They were able to take very little of their possessions with them. If you were forced to leave your home and could carry only 3 items with you, what items would you carry and why?
South Carolina State Standards Social Studies Explain the principal events related to the United States’ involvement in World War II – including the bombing of Pearl Harbor Summarize the political and social impact of World War II, including changes in women’s roles, in attitudes toward Japanese Americans, and in nation-state boundaries and governments. English/Language Arts Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods (for example, writing, creative dramatics, and the visual and performing arts) Create multiple-paragraph compositions that include a central idea with supporting details and use appropriate transitions between paragraphs
References html html erials/primarysourcesets/internment/ erials/primarysourcesets/internment/ ence/military/japanese-internment.html ence/military/japanese-internment.html