D 2 R – 15 March 2013 Cycling Amman Road Runners 1
D2R 2013 Sponsors 2
D2R 2013 Participants 3 38 running teams 19 solo cyclists 15 teams of 5 cyclists 8 teams of 3 cyclists Total Number of Participants: Runners 115 Cyclists
Race Topography 4 Mujib bridge Km 0 Potash Gas Station Km 43.5 Beir Mathkour Gas Station Km 125 Ra7ma Gas Station Km 194 Al Mazraa START Km 242 FINISH Safi Feifa Steepest elevation Km 70 to 73: 125m (4.2%) Aqaba Customs
What you get in your Race Packet: D2R 2013 T-shirts Reflective vests 1 official number for each cyclist’s bicycle 4 vehicle numbers (2 per vehicle) What you get at the Start Line : A Contact List of all teams and marshals Your dinner vouchers and bracelets 5
Vehicles Allowed Mini buses/Vans (7-9) Coaster type buses (15-25) Coaches JETT Type Allowed to ALL teams, as an alternative to regular vehicles and pickup trucks Allowed for school teams ONLY NOT ALLOWED under any circumstances This regulation applies to ALL participants due to safety concerns on the road. Failure to abide by these rules will lead to automatic disqualification. 6
What to check BEFORE leaving Amman!!! 1. Fill up your vehicle tank with fuel. 2. Check your spare tire 3. Check that you have all the necessary tools in case you have a puncture 4. Take your passport or residence permit or legal ID with you. There are a couple of controls along the route. 5. Check your vehicle papers. They might be expired. 6. Have a first aid kit for minor injuries. In short, come PREPARED to finish the race HAPPY 7
1. Change of clothes 2. A bag to put your sweaty clothes in 3. Enough water for yourself/your team 4. Enough food for yourself/your team 5. Warm clothes for cycling at night (sweat pants or long tights, hat, gloves, ear warmers, etc.) 6. A thermos bottle for hot beverages 7. Headlight or flashlight 8. Sun block as it might be sunny and warm during the day on Friday 9. First aid kit for minor injuries CALL THE CIVIL DEFENSE (911) IMMEDIATELY IN CASE OF SERIOUS INJURIES, THEN NOTIFY A MARSHAL 8 What to take with you on the road
Cyclists’ Golden Rules Make sure that: 1.The bracelet is on your left wrist 2.The official number is affixed to your bicycle 3.You wear the reflective vest from the race start and until 7 AM Friday morning 4.You have a helmet on whenever you are on your bicycle (even if you are warming up) 9
Start Line 1.Leave Amman at 1 AM to reach the Start Line at 3 AM maximum 2.Check-in at the Start Line is MANDATORY 3.Your bracelet MUST be placed on your LEFT wrist by a Race Official before the start of the event so ALL Team members must come to the registration desk. You MUST keep your bracelet on AT ALL TIMES and until the end of the Ceremony Award Dinner on Friday evening!!! 10
Start Line VEHICLES In order to avoid CONGESTION & ACCIDENTS: 1.3 vehicles MAXIMUM are allowed for each team. 2.Make sure each vehicle has at least 2 numbers: one on the right side of the front windshield and the other on the left side of the rear window. 3. Move your vehicle 15 min before the race starts and go to either km 1 or km 2 for the first relay. Only 1 vehicle may wait at each of those points for the runner. Any other support vehicles must drive ahead and wait further down the race course. IF you want to see the start of the race, you will NOT be allowed to move your vehicle until 15 min after the start. 11
Disqualification 1.The team member or solo cyclist must be wearing a helmet and the bracelet at all times 2.Each team member or solo cyclist’s bicycle MUST have the official race number clearly placed 3.The reflective vest must be worn from the start of the race until 7 AM Friday morning 4.Vehicles are NOT ALLOWED to drive alongside the cyclist unless they are handing support items to the cyclists. This MUST be done from the RIGHT side of the vehicle. Breaking these rules will lead to DISQUALIFICATION. 12
Disqualification 1.Marshals will IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFY any cyclist/team they catch cheating at any time during the race and they MAY DISQUALIFY any team disregarding the safety instructions. 2.If a team has doubts about another team’s behavior (whether cheating, safety or any other concern) they are required to contact the nearest marshal. R emember: This is a FUN EVENT! Please be kind to your fellow participants! 13
Finish Line 1.The Finish Line is in front of the under the bridge. 2.You must immediately report to a D2R official and check that your time has been registered. 3.The Movenpick Hotel has graciously put the Al Salam room at our disposal, where you can rest, have refreshments, and check in if you have booked a room with them. 4.A guided stretching area is available in the Al Salam Room thanks to our sponsor and partner 14
Dinner Party 1.Where? The Movenpick Hotel & Resort, Aqaba. 2.When? On Friday 15 th at 7:00 pm. 3.What to bring? Your dinner vouchers & extra cash for extra beverages if you wish. 4.What to wear? Preferably your D 2 R T-shirt or your own sponsor’s t-shirt. 5.More guests than what you paid for? No problem, we are selling tickets at the entrance (provided there are any left!) REMEMBER : NO VOUCHER NO DINNER 15
Awards Ceremony Special Awards are given to The Oldest Runner The Youngest Cyclist The Oldest Cyclist The Youngest Running Team The Best School Team The Best International Team The Best Hotel Team The Best All Women Team The Best Embassy Team 16