LINCOLN UTC EXAMINATIONS SUMMER 2016 o On the day o Regulations o Preparation o Invigilation o Timetables o What to bring? What to expect? o Problems on the day? o Special Consideration o Results Day
ON THE DAY You need to go to the Auditorium, where you will be met by your invigilator and escorted to your Exam room. We expect all students to arrive at least 15 minutes before all of their scheduled examinations. You need to go to the Auditorium, where you will be met by your invigilator and escorted to your Exam room. We expect all students to arrive at least 15 minutes before all of their scheduled examinations. At this point, you must NOT have anything other than exam equipment with you – no phones, iWatches, or bags! At this point, you must NOT have anything other than exam equipment with you – no phones, iWatches, or bags! All personal belongings must be stored in lockers. All personal belongings must be stored in lockers. Check that you have exactly what you need for each exam you are taking – we cannot guarantee having spare calculators / protractors etc. Check that you have exactly what you need for each exam you are taking – we cannot guarantee having spare calculators / protractors etc. Once you leave the Auditorium you will be under exam conditions – no talking! Once you leave the Auditorium you will be under exam conditions – no talking! The majority of exams will take place in 1.10, P3 and the Business Studies classrooms. The majority of exams will take place in 1.10, P3 and the Business Studies classrooms.
REGULATIONS At the start of each exam, the invigilator will read out the JCQ instructions – these are very important and must be followed exactly. Regulation notices can be found on the Exam Notice board outside the Administration Office. At the start of each exam, the invigilator will read out the JCQ instructions – these are very important and must be followed exactly. Regulation notices can be found on the Exam Notice board outside the Administration Office. You will be expected to remain in the exam until the designated finish time. You will be expected to remain in the exam until the designated finish time. If you finish your paper before the official end of the exam you must not communicate with anyone else: If you finish your paper before the official end of the exam you must not communicate with anyone else: No tapping No tapping No fidgeting No fidgeting No speaking No speaking PUT YOUR HEAD ON THE DESK AND GO TO SLEEP! PUT YOUR HEAD ON THE DESK AND GO TO SLEEP!
PREPARATION! Effective revision = planned revision Effective revision = planned revision You should be revising now! You should be revising now! Please make sure that you are using all of the revision tools we are offering in the UTC: Please make sure that you are using all of the revision tools we are offering in the UTC: Revision classes Revision classes Exam guides Exam guides Past papers Past papers Online resources Online resources UTC revision schedule for Year 11 UTC revision schedule for Year 11
INVIGILATION Our Invigilation team are here to ensure that all exams are held under JCQ regulations – that they take the correct amount of time and that all students are treated the same. Our Invigilation team are here to ensure that all exams are held under JCQ regulations – that they take the correct amount of time and that all students are treated the same. Invigilators can help you to some extent, but they cannot advise as to the nature of the exam paper at all - no questions can be explained or commented on. Invigilators can help you to some extent, but they cannot advise as to the nature of the exam paper at all - no questions can be explained or commented on. If you do have a question during an exam, please raise your hand and an invigilator will come to you. If you do have a question during an exam, please raise your hand and an invigilator will come to you. If we have a fire alarm during an exam session you will go with the invigilator to the designated meeting point. You will still be under exam regulations, therefore you must NOT talk to or have any communication with anyone else.
TIMETABLES You will have all received two copies of your timetables by now. If you have lost them, please see Mrs Glasby for another copy. You will have all received two copies of your timetables by now. If you have lost them, please see Mrs Glasby for another copy. Please make sure you have checked this CAREFULLY as what is printed on this will be on your certificates when they arrive. Please make sure you have checked this CAREFULLY as what is printed on this will be on your certificates when they arrive. If you think you have an exam missing, or are unsure about any levels of exams, please ask either Mrs Glasby or your teacher, as this will be the exam paper you will be given on the exam day – it is better to check now rather than wait until the exam itself! If you think you have an exam missing, or are unsure about any levels of exams, please ask either Mrs Glasby or your teacher, as this will be the exam paper you will be given on the exam day – it is better to check now rather than wait until the exam itself!
WHAT TO BRING? WHAT TO EXPECT? All relevant stationary – black pens, pencils, ruler, maths equipment including calculators. All relevant stationary – black pens, pencils, ruler, maths equipment including calculators. Water can be brought into an exam provided it is in a clear bottle without labels on. Water can be brought into an exam provided it is in a clear bottle without labels on. No food is allowed in any exam! No food is allowed in any exam! We expect you to be polite and respectful to the Invigilators throughout your exams – they are there to help you. We expect you to be polite and respectful to the Invigilators throughout your exams – they are there to help you. When you leave the exam room please leave silently – there will be people who have different exams or with extra time in the same room as you. When you leave the exam room please leave silently – there will be people who have different exams or with extra time in the same room as you.
PROBLEMS ON THE DAY Exams in May and June are scheduled across the country at the same time. Exams in May and June are scheduled across the country at the same time. If you are late this may cause an issue with you sitting an exam or gaining a result. If you are late this may cause an issue with you sitting an exam or gaining a result. Allow plenty of time to get here! Allow plenty of time to get here! Morning exams will start at 9.15, afternoon exams at Morning exams will start at 9.15, afternoon exams at If these times are likely to cause you a problem, please see Mrs Glasby as soon as possible. If these times are likely to cause you a problem, please see Mrs Glasby as soon as possible. If you are ill on an exam day, please try and attend school: If you are ill on an exam day, please try and attend school: Ring immediately Ring immediately Speak to Mrs Glasby Speak to Mrs Glasby We will need to see medical evidence We will need to see medical evidence We will then ask for Special Consideration from the Awarding Bodies. We will then ask for Special Consideration from the Awarding Bodies.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATION We can apply for special consideration if you experience: We can apply for special consideration if you experience: Illness on the day of an exam Illness on the day of an exam A bereavement A bereavement A personal or family issue that may affect you during the exam period. A personal or family issue that may affect you during the exam period. They may award you a small percentage upgrade on your result – from 1 – 5% depending on the severity of the circumstances. They may award you a small percentage upgrade on your result – from 1 – 5% depending on the severity of the circumstances. If you feel that this may apply to you AT ANY POINT in the next few weeks, please speak to Mrs Glasby. We may have to have evidence, but not always and will try and help as much as we can. If you feel that this may apply to you AT ANY POINT in the next few weeks, please speak to Mrs Glasby. We may have to have evidence, but not always and will try and help as much as we can.
RESULTS DAYS 18 th August 8am – 12pm A Level results can be collected 10am – 12pm AS Level results can be collected 25 th August 9am – 12pmGCSE / OCR National Results are available If there are any issues over results, these can be discussed on the dates above and we will advise you how to appeal, check grades and marks, and how much this will cost.