Human Trafficking Policy Recommendation Matthew Weinbach UNCW
Human Trafficking Enforcement
Existing Task Forces State Level Federal Level
National Human Trafficking Task Force
NJTTF Structure
NHTTF Washington, DC Headquarters Regional Trafficking Centers National Training Program Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center
Relevant Cases FBI: The Botsvynyuk Brothers “They believed it would be a much better deal than what they had in the Ukraine” Special Agent Ned Conway Philadelphia Division
ICE: Child exploitation, human trafficking "Words cannot describe the harm that these crimes inflict on children. Through partnerships with state, local and other federal law enforcement agencies, HSI will continue to vigorously investigate child exploitation cases like this one." Angel M. Melendez, Special Agent in Charge ICE-HSI San Juan, PR Relevant Cases
Sources D.C. Human Trafficking Task Force. (2015, February 24). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from traffickinghttp:// trafficking Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center. (2015). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from centerhttps:// center Human Trafficking. (2015, January 15). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from Human Trafficking and Smuggling. (2013, January 16). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from traffickinghttps:// trafficking Human Trafficking-FBI Initiatives. (2010, August 30). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from us/investigate/civilrights/human_trafficking /initiativeshttp:// us/investigate/civilrights/human_trafficking /initiatives Human Trafficking Ring Dismantled. (2015, January 27). Retrieved April 16, 2015, from Human Trafficking Task Force e-Guide. (2015). Retrieved April 13, 2015, from Law Enforcement Support. (2015). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from National Task Force Wages War on Terror. (2008, August 19). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from Progress in Combating Trafficking in Persons: The U.S. Government Response to Modern Slavery. (2014, April 9). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from San Lorenzo man sentenced to 24½ years for child exploitation, human trafficking. (2015, January 7). Retrieved April 16, 2015, from Training and Task Forces. (2015). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from advocacy/capacity-building/training-and-task-forceshttp:// advocacy/capacity-building/training-and-task-forces Images: px-Seal_of_the_United_States_Department_of_Homeland_Security.svg.png