Section 4 & 5 Muslim Empires
Delhi Sultanate
The Delhi Sultanate Around 1000 C.E. Muslim Turks and Afghans pushed into India In the 1100’s, the sultan, or Muslim ruler of Ghur defeated Hindu armies across the northern plain and made Delhi his capital Delhi was made into a sultanate, a land ruled by a sultan, which marked the start of Muslim rule in northern India Sultan introduced Muslim traditions of govt. Brilliant civ. created at Delhi Invasions led to downfall
Mughal India Babur swept away the remnants of the Delhi Sultanate and set up the Mughal Dynasty, which ruled from Akbar the great, Babur’s grandson took over, and became the chief builder of the Mughal empire He hoped to promote religious tolerance, by recognizing India’s diversity, by doing this Akbar placed Mughal power on a firm standing The high point of Mughal literature, art, and architecture came with Shah Jahan When his wife died he had a stunning tomb built for her, The Taj Mahal, perhaps the greatest monument of the Mughal Empire
Hindus vs. Muslims Hinduism believed, there are many gods, accepted differences in the caste system, and is an ancient religion Islam is a newer religion, has a single sacred text, monotheistic, and has no religious hierarchy A growing number of Hindus converted to Islam, but Indian Muslims absorbed some elements of Hindu culture, they sought to blend the two religions Blending of Islam and Hinduism led to a new religion called Sikhism Belief in the “Unity of God” Belief in reincarnation Rejection of the Caste
Ottoman Empire The Ottomans were a Turkish-speaking nomadic people who migrated from Central Asia into the Northwestern Asia Minor Ottoman expansion threatened the already crumbling Byzantine empire. The Ottoman empire expanded over the Byzantine and even took Constantinople and made it their own capital, they renamed it Istanbul The Ottoman empire enjoyed a golden age under the Sultan Suleiman Ottomans ruled the largest, most powerful empire in both Europe and Middle East for centuries
Ottoman Empire Cont. Suleiman was a wise and capable ruler, he strengthened the government, improved its system of justice, and as sultan he had absolute power Ottoman society was divided into classes, people were organized into Millets (religious communities) The best of the military were rewarded with a spot in the Janissaries, an elite force of the Ottoman army The arts and literature blossomed under Suleiman By the 1700’s European advances in both commerce and military technology were leaving the Ottomans behind.
Safavid Empire
The Safavid dynasty had united an empire in Persia (present-day Iran) between the two expansionist powers, Mughal India, and The Ottoman empire Safavids were Shiite Muslims who enforced their beliefs in their empire The Safavid leader was known as a Shah, the best known Shah was Abbas the Great Abbas built a new capital at Isfahan, which became a center for the international silk trade Made alliances with European states Safavid glory slowly faded because of continuing pressure from the Ottoman armies In the late 1700’s, a new dynasty, the Qajars won control of Iran, the made Tehran their new capital, and ruled until about 1925