KU Leuven Tips & Tricks:
Funding for BAEF and Fulbright Many (post)doctoral fellowships allow research stays abroad, e.g. FWO and IWT fellowships, KU Leuven BOF PDM and IOF fellowships Mobility allowances: JuMo, FWO travel grants Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowships KU Leuven bilateral agreements Research-domain specific funding channels e.g. American Heart Association, Human Frontiers Science Program, EMBO fellowships, … Local host: they might be aware of local and national funding opportunities or provide their own funding! …
Funding for All funding ‘GeDOCumenteerd’: BAEF Fulbright FWO PhD and postdoc fellowships: IWT fellowships PhD and postdoc fellowships: KU Leuven BOF PDM postdoc fellowship: JuMo mobility allowance: FWO travel grants: Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowships: actions actions KU Leuven bilateral agreements:
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