Consider a Postdoc! by ANNA FROST Ph.D Candidate yeah! DPLS Journal Club July 15, 2015
About the Article INTENDED AUDIENCE Ph.D.s (in Nursing) interested in extending academic training. ABOUT THE JOURNAL Peer-reviewed nursing research. REFERENCE Sherry, D., Fennessy, M. M., Benavente, V. G., Ruppar, T. M., & Collins, E. G. (2013). Important considerations when applying for a postdoctoral fellowship. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 45(2), doi: /jnu.12012
Purpose “To examine important decision points that graduates should consider before applying for a postdoctoral fellowship” (p. 210).
What is a Postdoc? Formal Mentorship Extended Training Develop & Conduct Your Research Without the Responsibilities of a Full-Time Faculty Member Publish Career Boost To begin usually within 2-3 years of completed Ph.D.
Broad Applications Leadership Studies postdocs would flood the academic sphere, which would not only expand their future employment options, especially into other disciplines, but also help more true multi- and transdisciplines emerge. Ultimately, this will lead to increased innovation and creativity, which is something institutions are seeking.* *Scaffadi, A. K., & Berman, J. E. (2011). A positive postdoctoral experience is related to quality supervision and career mentoring, collaborations, networking and a nurturing research environment. Higher Education, 62, doi: /s
What to Consider Choose Mentor & Institution Wisely Postdocs are Temporary (~1-3 years) Define Goals of Postdoctoral Training Institutions are Looking for Candidates Who Add to their Research Portfolio. Compensation is Lower Funding from Varied Sources, i.e., provost scholarship, NIH’s F32, external grant, job listings. If by outside grant, ask a tenure-track faculty person to be your advisor. Universities love when you bring the money in!
My Response Ph.D. candidates should consider a postdoc. Do not wait until graduation. Market thyself. Postdocs come in all shapes and sizes. Ask yourself: “Which institution will train me the most effectively?” Postdoc applications set you up for success. Tailor each application to the institution to which you are applying.