Decide what your level of knowledge is for the carbon cycle. Mentally place yourself to a corner of the room based on that comfort level: I’ve got it With help, I could teach it I have heard that we are carbon based What’s carbon? Now decide what your level of knowledge is for how the carbon cycle relates to the climate around the earth. Stay where you are or move to a corner of the room based on that comfort level.
Developed by TERC, an independent, research- based organization whose mission is to improve mathematics and science education through teacher development and new curriculum development. Free to teachers Designed for High School students but this will be my third year using it with 7 th graders. Part or whole Let’s take a look:
8 multipart labs with each part needing one class period They are designed to scaffold upon each other but with some pre-teaching… Teacher concept background provided Search: EarthLabs for Educators On the left column click on Climate and the Carbon Cycle
On the left column click on Lab Overviews to discover what is offered Think about your TEKS and see what parts of these labs would fit in When you find a Lab that you might be able to use, go ahead and click to complete a quick exploration
One of the key concepts to understanding the relationship between Climate and the Carbon Cycle is best seen though an activity called Connections Circle (Lab 2C)
Decide what your level of knowledge is for the carbon cycle. Move to a corner of the room based on that comfort level. Now decide what your level of knowledge is for how the carbon cycle relates to the climate around the earth. Stay where you are or move to a corner of the room based on that comfort level.