WELCOME To 6 TH Grade at FSS Mrs. Estacion, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Geminert
Meet the Teachers Mrs. Estacion- will be teaching math and science this year to all sixth graders. Mrs. Smith- will be the language arts and social studies teacher for all sixth graders. Mrs. Geminert-will be the Learning Center teacher responsible for 6 th grade. We are working together to prepare students for a successful transition to Potter next year. This gives the students the opportunity to have multiple teachers, and work on their organizational skills. We are encouraging the students to own their learning and take an active leadership role in their education.
Staying in the Loop Mrs. Estacion Mrs. Smith Mrs. Geminert-
Daily Schedule 8:05 Bell Rings 8:05 - 8:35 ELD (starting next Tuesday…) 8:35-9:45Language Arts/Math 9:45-10:00 Recess 10:00-10:45 Small Groups 10:45-11:15Social Studies/ Science Switch 11:15-12:00 Language Arts/Math 12:00-12:40Lunch 12:40-1:40Small Groups 1:40-2:10Social Studies/Science 2:10-2:20 Leader in Me/Dismissal
Things to Remember Library- Tuesday and Thursday PE- Tuesday, Friday and every other Wednesday Communication Folders- Every Wednesday, to be signed and returned on Thursday Electronic Communication-PeachJar We need your !
Successful 6 th grade students… Demonstrate leadership skills/ Leader in Me-7 Habits Use their planner Complete class and home assignments Use their time wisely Come to class prepared Actively listen and participate
Homework Math- Homework will consist of 2-3 pages a week. It will always be review/skills practice. Language Arts- Homework will consist of reading minutes a night. Occasionally classwork may come home to finish.
Earth Science edition State California
Online Social Studies Textbook -online text, study helps… Username - DSACCA06 Password - BWpjKN28
Social Studies On-line Textbook User Name: DSACCA06 Password: BWpjkN28