Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills March 4 – 8, 2013
Language Arts Monday, March 4, 2013 Target Learning: : I can define how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry through repetition. RD Collect reading logs and give new log for the week. 3. Common Assessment—complete then turn-in. 4. Review John Henry, pp —reread in table groups. 5. Complete the Literary Response & Analysis, p Check/discuss then turn-in.
Social Studies Monday, March 4, 2013 Target Learning: I can explain how Kush was conquered by Egypt, but later came to rule over Egypt. 1. Review concepts of chapter 5; section 1, pp Complete chapter 5; section 1 quiz and vocabulary builder. 3. Chapter 5:2 Cornell Notes: Use SQP2RS and KWHL, pp
Study Skills Monday, March 4, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete the novel organizer for HOLES. 1. Read chapters 31 – 32 in HOLES and write a summary of events to turn-in. 2. Check/discuss Making Meaning Maps (#7in folders) then turn-in. Answer key in teachers guide, p. 46. Table of Contents for HOLES folders: 1. Engaging Issues 2. Friends Essay 3. Glossary Pages Word Maps for Part 1 Words 4. K-W-H-L Charts (All parts) 5. Chapter Summaries Chapter 1-5 Chapter Novel Organizer 7. Making Meanings Map for Part 1 8. Reading Strategies Part 1
Language Arts Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Target Learning: I can define how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry through repetition. RD Complete John Henry comprehension test. 2. Complete Vocabulary Development and Grammar Link Mini-Lesson, p. 411.
Social Studies Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Target Learning: I can explain how Kush developed an advanced civilization with a large trading network. 1. Reread chapter 5; section 2, pp and peer check Cornell Notes using Cornell Notes rubric. 2. Complete assessment questions, p Check & discuss then turn-in. 3. Homework: Queen Amanirenas biography.
Study Skills Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete the novel organizer for HOLES. 1. Read chapters 33 – 34 in HOLES and write a summary of events to turn-in. 2. Check/discuss Reading Strategies (#8in folders) then turn-in. Answer key in teachers guide, p. 47. Table of Contents for HOLES folders: 1. Engaging Issues 2. Friends Essay 3. Glossary Pages Word Maps for Part 1 Words 4. K-W-H-L Charts (All parts) 5. Chapter Summaries Chapter 1-5 Chapter Novel Organizer 7. Making Meanings Map for Part 1 8. Reading Strategies Part 1
Language Arts Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Target Learning: I can note instances of fallacious reasoning, propaganda, and persuasion in text. RD Textbook, pp : Read/discuss noting important concepts. 2. Create a word map for words in bold type. 3. Complete practice 1 and 2 on p Check/discuss/turn-in. 4. Homework: Complete practice 1, 2, and 3 on p. 418.
Social Studies Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Target Learning: I can analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilization of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush. HSS Complete chapter 5:2 Study Guide, worksheet pp Challenge Activity: Essay on how to build up Kush’s strength and make it possible to defeat Egypt. 3. Homework: Study for chapter 5:2 section quiz and vocabulary builder test.
Study Skills Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete the Literary Elements worksheet for HOLES. 1. Read chapters 35 – 36 in HOLES and write a summary of events to turn-in. 2. Complete Literary Elements Worksheet 1—Theme—p. 29. Check/discuss/turn-in. The back side—Literary Elements—will be completed tomorrow.
Language Arts Thursday, March 7, 2013 Target Learning: I can identify forms of fiction, and describe the major characteristics of each kind. RD 3.1. Literature textbook, pp. 224 – Complete Before You Read the Selection, p Oral reading: He Lion, Bruh Bear, and Bruh Rabbit; The Fox and the Crow; The Wolf and the House Dog, pp Write a summary of the main events in each fable. Turn-in final work.
Social Studies Thursday, March 7, 2013 Target Learning: I can explain the accomplishments of King Taharqa. 1. Complete chapter 5:2 section quiz and vocabulary builder test. 2. Read/discuss King Taharqa biography and write and epitaph for his tomb that includes details from the reading.
Study Skills Thursday, March 7, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete the Literary Elements worksheet #2 for HOLES. 1. Read chapters and write a summary of the main events and supporting details. 2. Discuss Irony and look for examples in the text. 3. Complete Literary Elements worksheet #2--
Language Arts Friday, March 8, 2013 Target Learning: I can identify forms of fiction, and describe the major characteristics of each kind. RD 3.1. District Writing Assessment: Worksheet copies--The Big Wave and Writing Rubric. If any students finish early…have them review their writing checking for grammatical errors, etc. If they insist they are complete, then assign the Literary Response and Analysis on p. 232 in the Literature textbook.
Social Studies Friday, March 8, Collect the chapter 5 Short Story project. 2. Students complete the Chapter 5 Standards Review on pp , #1-19. Answers must be in complete sentences or write the questions. 3. Trade and grade if time, if not, we will check on Monday.
Study Skills Friday, March 8, 2013 Web Leader Day! 8 th grade Web leaders conduct class. Teacher just monitors and assists if needed.