Unit V: America and World War II
Dwight D. Eisenhower Served as Commander of the Allied forces during WWII Became President of the United States after the war Dwight D. Eisenhower, General of the Army, Feb. 1, 1945 (Messerlin, 1945)
Emperor Hirohito Supreme leader of Japanese nation during the years surrounding WWII (Hirohito Sirayuki, n.d.)
Erwin Rommel Hitler’s “Desert Fox” Brilliant military tactician Went against Patton in Africa North Africa, 1942, west of Tobruk (Bauer, 1942)
Harry S. Truman FDR’s vice president during his 4 th term Became president after FDR died at the end of WWII Dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war Had a hard time implementing post war measures Truman (middle) at Potsdam conference 1945 (Potsdam big three, 1945)
Rosie the Riveter Popular wartime term given to women working in the war industry Used on posters for propaganda (Rosie the Riveter, ca ) (Women drill press, 1942)
Joseph McCarthy Wisconsin Senator best known today for his efforts in spreading the fear of Communism Red Scare II Eventually no one in Congress would talk to him Died of liver failure in disgrace Senator Joseph McCarthy (United Press, 1954)
Medgar Evers Slain civil rights advocate whose murder became the basis of a court case of national (and Hollywood) interest Medgar Evers grave, Aug. 15, 2005 (King, 2005)
Jackie Robinson The only professional baseball player whose number is retired by every Major League team (Terrell, 1945)
A. Philip Randolph Leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Promised protests in Washington if discrimination in the defense industries did not end A Socialist in the Labor Movement A. Philip Randolph (Parks, 1942)
Yalta Yalta summit 1945 with British Prime Minister Churchill, President Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin The Big Three (Yalta summit 1945 with Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, 1945)
References Bauer. (1942, June 1). Bundesarchiv Bild 101I , Nordafrika, Generaloberst Erwin Rommel [Photograph]. Retrieved from 32,_Nordafrika,_Generaloberst_Erwin_Rommel.jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I ,_Nordafrika,_Generaloberst_Erwin_Rommel.jpg Hirohito Sirayuki [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved from King, D. B. (2005). Medgar Evars grave [Photograph]. Retrieved from Messerlin. (1945, February 1). General Dwight D. Eisenhower [Photograph]. Retrieved from enhower.jpg enhower.jpg Parks, G. (1942, November 1). A. Philip Randolph [Photograph]. Retrieved from Potsdam big three. [Photograph]. (1945). Retrieved from Rosie the riveter [Image]. (ca ). Retrieved from Terrell, M. (1945, November 27). JackieRobinson1945 [Photograph].Retrieved from United Press. (1954). Joseph McCarthy [Photograph]. Retrieved from
Women drill press operators in 1942 [Photograph]. (1942, May 1). Retrieved from Yalta summit 1945 with Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin [Photograph]. (1945, February 1). Retrieved from