“Help! My child is about to become a teenager…” **How to support teenagers emotional health workshop** Tier 2CAMHS /SHARP TEAM Natasha Taylor Tier 2 CAMHS Practitioner -Level 3 Rachael Sisson CAMHS SHARP Practitioner
Adolescence is a time of huge transition and change Physical development because of puberty, hormones and change in bodily appearance Peer groups and social circles become more important to teenagers Along side this there are school work pressures, exams and an expectation to achieve and thinking about the future Adolescence
Eric Erickson Psychologist, theory sees adolescence as being a time where Role identity vs Role confusion occurs In simple terms adolescence are finding their feet and want to gain a sense of self identity Hopefully this period of transition will mean they are on their way to becoming young adults who can deal with the knocks life brings Building resilience and ‘bouncing back’ from difficulties is an important aspect of emotional health Adolescence
Normal teenage development or Mental health concern? Eating difficulties, self harm, low mood for long periods of time Becoming more in tune with your child Recognising the impact of social media, Facebook and the way young people communicate Recognising emotional needs
Listening to them Creating chances for them to talk. This may be at the most inconvenient time for you but if it feels safe for them then grasp this time they have chosen to talk Helping them take care of themselves (Healthy diet, exercise, self care, hair cuts, clothes) These all impact on mood and self esteem Problem solving Know that it is normal for your relationship to change How can I help them?
School G.P CAMHS School drop in SHARP Clinic in School BASE 51 Kooth Counselling Please take a leaflet outlining other agencies that can support the emotional health of young people When to seek help and where from
Young Minds website Eric Ericson expectations-vs-reality/ References