B2B-IKAB: Baltics to Balkans Initiative for Knowledgebased Agriculture and Bioeconomy Preparatory workshop for „The role of the regions in the European Bioeconomy” Conference of the Slovak Presidency NPPC - Food Science Institute, Bratislava Anikó JUHÁSZ
Content Our chances in EU RDI activities How to increase it? What have we done? Focusing research areas What is ahead of us? Things to remember
Our chances I.? FP7 FAFB EU13 participation
Our chances II.? FP7 FAFB EU13 participation
Our chances III.? H2020 SC2 results in succes out of 10 proposals! Only excellent and strong consortia! Only perfect proposals! This requires considerable time and resources, in other countries the potential participants are subsidised and educated!
Our chances IV.? If co-financed it is even lower
How to increase I.? FP7 FAFB program evaluation and Commission’s advice
How to increase II.? CEE Objective and Solution Objective Increase the CEE Involvement in Agricultural and Bioeconomy activity Solution for the RDI sector Baltics to Balkans Initiative for Knowledgebased Agriculture and Bioeconomy – B2B-IKAB
What have we done ? I. Building a core team Cooperation for KAB AKINAKFM Ministry of Agriculture (FM): Coordinating team leader National lobbying: govermental International lobbying: COM, EP, Council, V4 Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI): Providing RDI activities National lobbying: scientific bodies International lobbying: SC2 Advisory Group, AMTF, EUTRANSINFECT-network National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK): Sectoral stakeholder involvement National lobbying: local administration International lobbying: Copa-Cogeca, V4 Chambers
What have we done? II. Involving Researchers „It is not for us!” the reasons of researchers’ mistrust: Need money, now: Institutional budgetary constraints Don’t have a focus: Lacking sectoral RDI strategy Don’t have help: Lacking stable mentoring network Dissappointed enough: General mistrust against cooperation
What have we done? III. Involving Farmers „It is not for us!” the reasons of farmers’ mistrust: „We do not have time for research!” „Researchers are not interested in real problems of the farmers!” „Our problems are never taken into account on higher levels!” „We do not have/understand/care for bioeconomy!”
What have we done? IV. Focusing research areas EIP-AGRI Conference, Budapest, (NÉBIH, FM, NAK, NAKVI) I. „Policy Guidelines for Agricultural Research” Workshop Budapest, (FM, NAK, AKI) II. „Policy Guidelines for Agricultural Research” Workshop Budapest, (FM, NAK, AKI)
Focusing research areas I. Two Themes Theme 1. Response to challenges arising from continental climate and its changes Theme 2. Adaptation to challenges arising from social and economic changes
Focusing research areas II. Theme 1.: Response to challenges arising from continental climate changes + Topic 1. Sustainable intensification by maintaining soil conditions and improving water management + Topic 2. Sustainable extensification through ecosystem services and by maintaining biodiversity - Topic 3. Organic farming is lagging behind in terms of production technology and consumer perception - Topic 4. The reduction of dependence on non-renewable energy sources
Focusing research areas III. Theme 1.: Response to challenges arising from continental climate changes - Topic 5. Increasing the value added use of agricultural- and forestry biomass + Topic 6. Exploiting the potential for protein crop production + Topic 7. A buffer zone for pathogens as a result of climate change and globalisation
Focusing research areas IV. Theme 2.: Response to challenges arising from social and economic changes - Topic 8. Motivating knowledge-based modern farming and cooperation among farmers - Topic 9. Supporting the generation change of the first enterpreneurs in the agri-food sector - Topic 10. Improving supply chain efficiency and increasing its added value - Topic 11. Consumer awareness to be increased despite significant lack of confidence and price sensitivity + Topic 12. Social integration and food security
What is ahead of us? AKI: Develop and coordinate the national RDI network supporting the Initiative (B2B- IKAB). AKI: Co-organize further Initiative related stakeholder events. AKI: Write the national Agricultural and Bioeconomy RDI Strategy. AKI: Take active part in writing the Initiative.
Things to remember B2B-IKAB: Baltics to Balkans Initiative for Knowledgebased Agriculture and Bioeconomy We have an issue – specific challenges: topics and representation We are committed – formed a core team and an action plan We are committed – forming national network and strategy We are committed – to take part in the regional work We are committed – have results and gained stakeholder trust We need help – a quick and visible success story to keep it going We need help – resources and guidence in moving forward
Thank you for listening!