Political Independence of the “New Republic” Who Will Be In Charge?
Political Changes: Constitutions in the States Continental Congress directs colonies to draft new constitutions – 10 states had new constitutions; ratification involved heated debates between: Conservatives stressed law and order Liberals stressed protection of individual rights Common features Bill of Rights (i.e. religion and jury trial) Separation of powers – 3 branches protects against tyranny Annual election of legislatures – white male property-owners Weak executive branches (governor) and judicial (courts) Drawbacks No trade with the British. Banned from ports State governments went broke financing the war Runaway inflation; colonial currencies devalued War led to distaste for taxes. How to pay for things?
The Articles of Confederation Articles of Confederation was adopted in 1777 by 2 nd Continental Congress as nation’s first constitution, ratified in Loose alliance of independent states for common purpose of defeating British What to do with Western lands? biggest challenge for government Some states had large land holdings (New York and Virginia) while others had none (Maryland and Rhode Island) VA and NY gave up claims – Articles ratified in March 1781 vast areas for the “common benefit” new areas eligible to become states not colonies. In time admitted into the union
Articles of Confederation #StateDateYear 1VirginiaDecember South CarolinaFebruary New YorkFebruary Rhode IslandFebruary ConnecticutFebruary GeorgiaFebruary New HampshireMarch PennsylvaniaMarch MassachusettsMarch North CarolinaApril New JerseyNovember DelawareFebruary MarylandMarch Ratification of the Articles by States
Articles of Confederation “Articles of Confusion” One Branch, One House (Congress) No executive branch. Why? No judicial branch. Why? One state, one vote. 9 of 13 required to pass laws Amendments required unanimous vote Outlined general powers; treaties and postal service Succeeded in: Winning the war Organizing western lands Promoted public education in west Est. guidelines for adding states Prohibited slavery in western territories Congress was weak. Power to: wage war, make treaties, send diplomats, borrow money No power to: tax, regulate commerce, enforce laws
Landmarks in Land Laws Land Ordinance of 1785 Northwest lands sold to pay national debt. Divided into townships 6 square miles Into 36 sections one square mile each 16 th section for public schools Northwest Ordinance of ,000 people to be admitted as a state Forbade slavery in the Northwest territory.
Problems with the Articles Financial – war debts unpaid worthless state currencies Couldn’t tax; could only ask for state donations Foreign – No respect from European nations France and Spain threatened western lands Domestic – “Exchanged 1 tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away” Shays Rebellion Daniel Shays, a farmer from western Massachusetts High taxes, imprisonment for debt, lack of $ - Losing farms Raid courts Attempt to seize weapons
Specter of Anarchy By 1780 the ability to raise money was breaking down in the states. States begin to refuse payments, interest on land is rising, and national credit is almost gone. Shay’s Rebellion 1786 Liberty Kids – “We The People” Shay’s Rebellion 1786 Liberty Kids – “We The People” Daniel Shay a farmer from western Massachusetts High Massachusetts state taxes; imprisonment Losing farms, court foreclosures and seizures Demand MA issue paper money, reduce taxes, suspend property takeovers.
Articles of Confederation Strengths Weaknesses
1. The name of the United States’ first national government was _________________________________________________ 2. The national government under the Articles of Confederation could be BEST described as __________________________ 3. One of the biggest weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation was that it did not create a __________________________ 4. The legislation passed by Continental Congress to regulate the use of western lands and set aside a portion of that land for the establishment of public schools was called the _________________________________________________. 5. The ________________________________________was a success under the Articles of Confederation because it outlined the steps for statehood for land around the Great Lakes 6. The event that led the United States to believe that the Articles of Confederation were too weak was ___________________ ________________________________________.
Are We to Be A Nation? Shays’ Rebellion