1 Digging into the 2 nd Draft of the Next Generation Science Standards January 31, 2013 Kevin J. B. Anderson, Ph.D. CESA #2 STEM Education Consultant.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Digging into the 2 nd Draft of the Next Generation Science Standards January 31, 2013 Kevin J. B. Anderson, Ph.D. CESA #2 STEM Education Consultant

2 Welcome! … to the CESA #2 workshop on the Next Generation Science Standards. Take 2 minutes to introduce yourselves at your tables and discuss your goals for today’s meeting.

3 Meeting norms Overview of the day  Brief NGSS background  Group review lesson w/ NGSS  Appendices discussions  Review by grade level  Vignettes/case studies Next steps Norms and Agenda

4 Why new science standards? National consistency STEM integration Global competitiveness Links to CCSS Better science New research

5 What are we building upon?

6 Research on learning science has moved forward. NGSS Link to Reports

7 Research grew into a framework.

8 The framework guides the NGSS. “90% of what is in the Framework will be in the NGSS” --Stephen Pruitt

9 Structure of the NGSS

10 Activity 1 – Group review of lesson DCI Practices, highlighting engineering Crosscutting concepts Nature of science Performance expectations CCSS connections

11 Group review of lesson DCI – what’s the big idea? Earth and space sciences Engineering, technology and applications of science Life sciences Physical sciences

12 Group review of lesson Science and engineering practices Ask questions and define problems Develop and use models Plan and carry out investigations Analyze and interpret data Use math and computational thinking Construct explanations and design solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

13 Group review of lesson Science vs. engineering? What is the goal of the activity? Is it to answer a question? If so, they are likely doing science. Is the purpose to define and solve a problem? If so, they are likely doing engineering.

14 Group review of lesson Crosscutting concepts (ccc) – connections across science disciplines Patterns Cause and effect Scale, proportion and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter in systems Structure and function Stability and change of systems

15 Group review of lesson Nature of science connections Use a variety of methods Based on empirical evidence Open to revision if evidence Explain natural phenomena Science = way of knowing Assume order and consistency Science is a human endeavor Addresses specific questions (see appendix H, p. 6-7)see appendix H, p. 6-7

16 Group review of lesson Which performance expectations does it relate to? Why might I hold off on a connection to a performance expectation?

17 Group review of lesson Common Core State Standards connections Mathematics content and practices ELA writing/skills, college and career readiness

18 Other resources on the NGSS website -

19 Activity 2 - Appendices Review For each appendix answer: What are the key ideas that are relevant to your science instruction and curriculum? How would you use it in your work? Is there anything you’d like to see that isn’t there? Chart paper – Share (recorder, reporter)

20 Activity 3 – Grade level review of lesson Norms DCI Practices - highlighting engineering Crosscutting concepts Nature of science Performance expectations CCSS connections

21 Discuss Activity 3 – Grade level review of lesson Discuss & share insights DCI Practices, highlighting engineering Crosscutting concepts Nature of science Performance expectations CCSS connections

22 Activity 4 – Case Studies Review What best practices for teaching the NGSS are suggested? What pedagogy does the case study suggest for working with your student group? What other ideas do you have? Chart paper display – Gallery Walk  What parallels do you see across groups?

23 Next Steps – Support? What supports do we need to implement these standards? * Consider school structures, curriculum and materials, professional development, etc.

24 Final questions or comments? Final release – March 2013 (goal) Q&A

25 Contacts and resources Please give me some feedback on this workshop and let me know what will be helpful moving forward. me any time: Resources: practices, ccc webinars!