C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Key Club International April 11–13, 2014 Presented by: CNH Membership Recruitment Kai Sampadian, Division 21 Lieutenant Governor
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Ask your friends and advertise around the school. Ways you can advertise is by creating posters and posting on the school bulletin to help advertise meetings/events or anything Key Club related. You can not over advertise something so make sure the word gets out How can I recruit members? Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Make use of school events such as club rushes. (basically a showcase of the clubs at school.) Hook them with an incentive. (Free food always works.) Represent your self to others and the community. Dress to impress bring them to events! Show them what Key Club truly is about! What other ways can I recruit members? Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Advertise fun events like Fall Rally, RTC and fun service projects. For example: (Beach cleanups or volunteering at local fairs) Get help from outside sources (ask your LTG or Kiwanis to help you) Do small things for your members Example: Bring them treats, arrange them rides or get to know them. Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Other ideas may include: Key Club booth at school registration. card that potential members can take pictures with. Make clothespins with meeting details (Location & Date) to 'tag' potential members with during club rush day. Use fun facts such as “Did you know that Tom Cruise and Bill Clinton were both in Key Club?” – True Fact Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Bond with the members Talk regularly to the members, especially during the first few meetings. Things like icebreakers or friendly introductions WILL HELP. Try to have your more active members bring one new person to a meeting. MAKE IT A FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT Basically get them interested. Make them feel wanted Membership Recruitment
Training Topic: CNH Key Club District | Key Club International CNH | Any questions? Comments? Concerns? Good luck this year! Membership Recruitment