Dustin Rogers 2765 Portersville Road Atoka, TN Cell number( )
Where I’m from I grew up in Brighton, TN. I attended Brighton High School in which I played baseball. Brighton is a very small town in between Covington and munford. GPA: 3.1 ACT:16 My Dad is my hero he’s taught me many things in life I use today. My hobbies include: Hunting, Fishing, baseball, and pretty much being ouside.
My hobbies Hunting, fishing, and baseball I love to do all these things when I have spare time. My hobbies have made a big impact on the person I am today.
Skills,Achievements,and Goals In five years I see my career as me being a Lineman for At&t. My goal right now is to finish High School and go to TN Technical College I feel I am smart academically, but could work on my ACT score. I am trying my best to work at achieving these goals.I will achieve these goals.
Strengths My strengths include getting my work done in the most evident way possible. I am a very ethical worker,and since I hunt on the weekends I have no problems waking up early and being on time. Another strength of mine would be I am a very fast learner, and can adjust easily to any situation. I also don’t need a superviser looking over my back all the time.
Weaknesses My weaknesses would be I don’t have any patience for people not willing to learn. When my Dad would tell my brother and I to do something I would always get frustrated at him for not trying to figure things out before asking my Dad. It has helped me to have more patience with people who don’t think or learn as quickly as me.
Workstyle My workstyle is usually more of a fast paced style of working. Unless what I’m working on takes patience. I can work alone or with others that has never bothered me.
Experience My work experience is mostly with my family. I’ve never had a real job, but I have layed tile with my cousin before.
Who has made the greatest impact on me? My Dad has definitely made the greatest impact on my life. He is the one who has gotten me in to all my hobbies like baseball, hunting, and fishing. He does many things for me today and is always there when I need him.
Reasons why I’m right for this job I am right for this job because I’m young, and I have lots of energy. I love to be outside, and working with my hands. Wildlife has always been in my life whether it’s deer, turkeys, or quail.