Shi2 pin3 huo4zhe3 Yin3liao4 Chinese American
Zhe4 shi4 shen2me yan2se4de?
Hao3 chi1 Bu4 hao3chi1 Hao3 he1 Bu4 hao3he1
Q: Hao3 chi1 ma? A: Hao3 chi1 or bu4 hao3 chi1 1. Bananas 2. Strawberries 3. Grapes 4. Raisins 5. Watermelon 6. Pears 7. Cherries 8. Peaches ASK YOUR PARNTER 1. Potatoes 2. Cauliflower 3. Green beans 4. Broccoli 5. Carrots 6. Squash 7. Onions 8. Spinach
Hao3 chi1 or bu4 hao3 chi1
Hao3 he1 or Bu4 hao3 he1 1. Milk 2. Coffee 3. Water 4. Gatorade 5. Orange Juice 6. Apple Juice 7. Sprite 8. Coke 9. 7up 10. Dr. Pepper 11. Soy milk 12. Goat's milk 13. Root beer 14. Tea 15. Chocolate milk 16. Lemonade
Hao3 he1 or bu4 hao3 he1
Zhong1 can1 or Xi1 can1
Table manners
Eastern or Western Manners
Manners please! Make a list of 5 things you should not do at the table. Make a list of 4 things you should do at a table. Possible answers on next slide
Manners answers 1. Talk with your mouth full. 2. Play with your silverware. 3. Put your elbows on the table. 4. Burp 5. Play with your food 1. Napkin on lap 2. “Pass the..please” 3. Finish your plate 4. Eat quietly 5. Thank you!
Huo3 dong4 Students will draw a picture of a Western style table setting How to properly set a table is on the next slide.
Eastern Manners Do's(xing2) Answers on next page. Don'ts(bu4xing2)
Eastern Manners answers Do's Wait for the host Serve others first Sample every dish Leave dish on Lazy Susan Eating just one dish Chopsticks: no playing, stirring, licking, pointing with, or stick in rice in the center of the bowl. Do not season food
Eastern Students will draw a picture of a Eastern style table setting How to properly set a table is on the next slide.
Kuai4 zi Ni3 hui4 yong4 ma?
Kuai4zi Quick ones Activity: Teach the students to use chopsticks. The further from the ends you hold the chopsticks, the more advanced you are. Activity: Have students pick up different objects. Make two teams where they have to pass an object from one student to another with chopsticks.