“io” Third Conjugation Verbs Pres.Pres.Perf.Perf. Act.Act.Act.Pass. Indic.Infin.Indic.Participle 1st conjugationvocovocarevocavi vocatus - call 2nd conjugationmoneomoneremonuimonitus - warn Reg. 3 rd conjugationrego regere rexi rectus - rule “io” 3 rd conjugationcapiocaperecepicaptus - take
TenseRuleTranslation Active and Passive Voice (1st & 2nd conj.)(Reg. 3rd conj.) Present Pres. Stem + PE Pres. Root + i + PE (am, is are; do, does; simple pres.) ImperfectPres. Stem + ba + PEPres. Root + eba + PE (was, were; used to; did) FuturePres. Stem + bi + PEPres. Root + a/e + PE (shall/will) Present Stem = Present Active Infinitive (2nd principal part of verb) - re Present Root = Present Active Infinitive (2nd principal part of verb) – ere “io” verbs of the third conjugation add an i to the present root.
Present Tense of capio capere – take(Page 190) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Root + i +Personal Endings 1. capi+o = capioI take, am taking, do take 2. capi+s =capisyou take, are taking, do take 3. capi+t = capithe takes, is taking, does take 1. capi+mus = capimuswe take, are taking, do take 2. capi+tis =capitisyou take, are taking, do take 3. capi+nt = capiuntthey take, are taking, do take (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Root + i + Personal Endings 1. capi+or = capiorI am (being) taken 2. capi+ris =caperisyou are (being) taken 3. capi+tur = capiturhe is (being) taken 1. capi+mur = capimurwe are (being) taken 2. capi+mini =capiminiyou are (being) taken 3. capi+ntur = capiunturthey are (being) taken
Imperfect Tense of capio capere – take(Page 190) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Root + eba +Personal Endings 1. capi+eba+m = capiebamI was taking, used to take, did take 2. capi+eba+s =capiebasyou were taking, used to take, did take 3. capi+eba+t = capiebathe was taking, used to take, did take 1. capi+eba+mus = capiebamuswe were taking, used to take, did take 2. capi+eba+tis =capiebatisyou were taking, used to take, did take 3. capi+eba+nt = capiebantthey were taking, used to take, did take (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Root + eba + Personal Endings 1. capi+eba+r = capiebarI was (being) taken 2. capi+eba+ris =capiebarisyou were (being) taken 3. capi+eba+tur = capiebaturhe was (being) taken 1. capi+eba+mur = capiebamurwe were (being) taken 2. capi+eba+mini =capiebaminiyou were (being) taken 3. capi+eba+ntur = capiebanturthey were (being) taken
Future Tense of capio capere – take(Pages 190) (Active Voice) Rule = Present Root + a/e +Personal Endings 1. capi+a+m = capiamI shall take 2. capi+e+s =capiesyou will take 3. capi+e+t = capiethe will take 1. capi+e+mus = capiemuswe shall take 2. capi+e+tis =capietisyou will take 3. capi+e+nt = capientthey will take (Passive Voice) Rule = Present Root + a/e + Personal Endings 1. capi+a+r = capiarI shall be taken 2. capi+e+ris =capierisyou will be taken 3. capi+e+tur = capieturhe will be taken 1. capi+e+mur = capiemurwe shall be taken 2. capi+e+mini=capieminiyou will be taken 3. capi+e+ntur = capienturthey will be taken
All Latin Verbs (Regular and Irregular)(Review Sheet) Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect Tenses, Active Voice PerfectPerfect Stem + i, isti,it, imus, istis, erunt (has, have; simple past) PluperfectPerfect Stem + eram, eras erat, eramus, eratis, erant (had) Future PerfectPerfect Stem + ero, eris,erit, erimus, eritis, erint (shall have/will have)