Medieval Japan ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How might religious beliefs affect society, culture, and politics?


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Presentation transcript:

Medieval Japan ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How might religious beliefs affect society, culture, and politics?

TEKS and Objectives We will... I will… (24A) describe the changing roles of women, children, and families during major eras of world history (25A) summarize the fundamental ideas and institutions of Eastern Civilizations that originated in China Describe the social and political structure of Japan during the Middle Ages

Geography of Japan Mountainous archipelago (chain of many islands) Only 11% of land can be farmed Volcanic origin = fertile soil Prone to earthquakes Geographically isolated

First Japanese Settled in Yamato Plain Society made up of clans Two social classes Rulers Rice farmers, artisans, and servants

Shōtoku Taishi Yamato prince who unified clans against Chinese invasion Sent representatives to China Created a centralized government based on Chinese model Limited power of aristocrats; enhanced emperor’s authority Emperor portrayed as a divine figure Land belonged to the state Taxes paid directly to central government

The Nara Period and the Heian Period Emperor titled “Son of Heaven” Weak government Aristocrats kept taxes for themselves The Heian Period Emperor only ruled in name Real power remained in hands of powerful families Aristocrats took justice into their own hands

Samurai Samurai: “those who serve”; Japanese warriors similar to the knights of medieval Europe Hired by aristocrats Protected the security and property of employers Fought on horseback, wore helmet and armor, and carried a sword and bow Bushido: “the way of the warrior”; the strict code by which Japanese samurai were supposed to live

The Kamakura Shogunate 1192-1333 Japan experienced a series of civil wars Minamoto Yoritomo Defeated rivals and set up power near modern-day Tokyo Japan’s first Shogun Shogun: “general”; a powerful military leader in Japan Emperor remained ruler in name only Shogun exercised actual power

Mongol Attacks Kublai Khan sent 23,000 troops to invade Japan in 1274 Mongol fleet sunk by a storm Returned in 1281 with 150,000 troops Japanese forced them to retreat Typhoon devastated Mongolian fleet War strained political system

Role of Women Had certain level of equality with men in early Japan Guaranteed inheritance rights Could divorce and remarry Subordinate to men in later periods Husband could divorce if she did not bear a son or if she committed adultery, talked too much, was jealous, or had a serious illness

Japanese Religion Shinto: “the sacred way”; the Japanese state religion Believe the Emperor is divine Believe Japan is a sacred nation Zen: a sect of Buddhism that became popular with Japanese aristocrats Buddhist influence from China Became part of the samurai’s code

The Emergence of Korea Mountainous peninsula greatly influenced by China and Japan Three kingdoms Koguryo (north), Paekche (southwest), Silla (southeast) Ruled by monarchies Bitter rivals Buddhism spread to and became official religion of all three

Silla Kings adopted Buddhist names and built many temples Became more allied with China Monarchy turned to Confucianism Gained control of the peninsula with support of the Tang Assassination of king led to civil war

Koryo Dynasty Arose in the north Mongols seized northern part of Korea Adopted Chinese political institutions Remained in power for 100 years Mongols seized northern part of Korea Remained in power by accepting Mongol rule Much suffering for Koreans Peasants and artisans forced to build ships of invasion of Japan Dynasty broke down after collapse of Mongol Empire

Journal Entry #11 How was the feudal system of Japan similar to the feudal system of Europe? Support your answer with at least three examples.

TEKS and Objectives We will... I will… (24A) describe the changing roles of women, children, and families during major eras of world history (25A) summarize the fundamental ideas and institutions of Eastern Civilizations that originated in China Describe the social and political structure of Japan during the Middle Ages