Good wishes to you
Teacher’s Identity: Md.Moajjim Hossain Assistant Teacher (English) Kundagram B-L High School Adamdighi, Bogra.
Lesson Introduction: Sub: English Class: Ten Unit: 12 Lesson: 03 Duration: 50 Minutes Date: 11 January 2016
Look at the pictures:
Today’s lesson: The return of the native
Learning outcomes: After the end of the lesson students will able to… *Tell about Michael Madhusudan Dutt. *write word-meanings and make sentences with them. *write summary of the text.
Hindu by birth Adopted christian First epic Meghnad Badh kabya Died on 27 june, 1873 Born on 25 Jan at Sagordari, Keshobpur Look at the diagram attentively:
Individual work: *When did Madhusudan Dutt die?
Solution: *on 27 June 1873
Notice the word-meanings: Frustration Adolescence Compose Desperation ( হতাশা ) Boyhood ( কৈশোর ) Write ( লিখা )
Now Listen the text carefully :
Write word-meanings andMake sentences with them. 1.Epic 2.Esteem 3.Devoted Rhapsody ( মহাকাব্য ) I like to read Rhapsody. Respect ( সম্মান ) We respect our parents. Obedient ( অনুগত ) He is obedient to his mother. Work in pair
Read the text silently:
Work in group: Write the summary of the text In about words.
Solution: Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a well-known Bengali Poet but interested in English. So he adopted Christianity and went to London. His writings were not evaluated there properly. Then he return back to Bengal and adopted himself in Bengali literature.
Evaluation: (1)Madhusadan Dutt was born on…. (i)25 April 1820 (ii) 25 January 1824 (iii) 25 June 1826 (iv) 25 November 1830 (2) He was born in a sophisticated …… family. (i) Muslim (ii) Christian (iii) Hindu (iv)Buddha. (3) Madhusudan Dutt’s writings are……. (i)Meghnad Badh kabya (ii) Sonar Tori (iii) Prohoson Which is the correct option? (a) i (b) i and ii (c) i and iii (d) i,ii and iii.
Home work: Write a short paragraph on the Life of Michael Madhusudan Dutt
Thanks to all