FS&N School Staff Meeting May, 2013
Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate and FMC 5.Safety (LM) 6.Minutes from Student Education Committee (PK) 7.Minutes from Research Committee (BM) 8.Minutes from Postgraduate Committee (GW) 9.Admissions and Widening Participation (CO) 10.Finance (CR) 11.HR Issues (CR) 12.AOB 13.Date of Next Meeting
(4) HoS’s Statement Senate – LUU ‘Internationalised Student Union of the Year’ (NUS) – New VC from 1 st October – JF will be Acting VC for September – A feeling in Whitehall that we are ‘awash with cash’ – could affect Research Budget in June Comprehensive Spending Review – Pressure on procedures for ‘Adequate PGR Supervision’? – ULTA-2 becoming ‘ULTRA’
(4) HoS’s Statement FMC - Director of Communications - New Head of Maths (Alistair Routledge) - New Head of Chemistry (Steve Marsden) - New Dean (Steve Scott) - Encryption of ALL Laptops - One IT Programme - IPE – we look in reasonable shape
(4) HoS’s Statement Student Recruitment REF Leadership Chairs Estates work; a-v system Dragon’s Den/Social Event China Graduation Ceremony 9 th July Attendance at meetings Media enquiries School posts Accreditation Extra Workload
(5) Safety School Safety Audit
(6) Student Education Committee (7) Research Committee - REF - Research income forecasts (8) Postgraduate Research Committee (9) Admissions and Widening Participation - Applications - update - Open Days
(10) Finance
Income (Forecast) Income (£k) Home/EU UG1321 International UG678 Home/EU PGT92 International PGT430 Home/EU PGR125 International PGR398 QR453 Research recovery(223) Miscellaneous116 Total income3613 Income (£k) Home/EU UG1194 International UG396 Home/EU PGT200 International PGT1320 Home/EU PGR112 International PGR309 QR460 Research recovery(209) Miscellaneous84 Total income4075
Expenditure (Forecast) Expenditure (£k) Staff costs1745 Direct non-staff costs (eg 22 accounts) 568* Indirect non-staff costs (eg space) 1445 Miscellaneous29 Total expenditure (12-13) 3787 Expenditure (£k) Staff costs1475 Direct non-staff costs564 Indirect non-staff costs 1362 Miscellaneous132 Total expenditure (11-12) 3533 * + £30k under different heading)
Direct non-staff costs include: Supplies, Office and travel (£93k), Equipment (£55.5K), furniture and refurbishment (£30k), Buildings and Services (£13k), IT (£10k), Marketing (£15k), Stores (£13k), Teaching Labs (£49k), MSc Projects (£22k), Hospitality and Visitors (£10k), External Lecturers and Examiners (£10k), Demonstrators (£26.5k), Admissions (£7k), Bench fees (£70k), Health & Safety (£6k), Industrial Placement Visits (£2k), Student Enhancement Fund (£90k), Staff Running Costs (All 22 accounts)
Income/Expenditure (Forecast) for Income £k Home/EU UG1194 International UG396 Home/EU PGT200 International PGT1320 Home/EU PGR112 International PGR 309 QR460 Research recovery (209) Miscellaneous84 Total income4075 Expenditure £k Staff costs1475 Direct non-staff costs 564 Indirect non- staff costs 1362 Miscellaneous132 Total expenditure = +542 (in-year surplus) = +181 (cumulative surplus)
Income/Expenditure (Forecast) for = -271 (in-year loss) = +111 (cumulative surplus) Income (£k) Home/EU UG1321 International UG678 Home/EU PGT92 International PGT430 Home/EU PGR125 International PGR398 QR453 Research recovery(223) Miscellaneous116 Total income3613 Expenditure (£k) Staff costs1745 Direct non-staff costs 568* Indirect non-staff costs 1445 Miscellaneous29 Total expenditure 3787
‘Catherine’s Money’ The part of ‘Direct non-staff costs’ that impinges most on our day-to-day business is ‘Catherine’s money’ – all the 22 (non RG) accounts to cover infrastructure, equipment, School running costs, bench fees, demonstrating etc) 2009/2010£350k 2010/2011£405k 2011/2012£564k 2012/2013£598k (not as much as needed to cover all the IPE plans)
(11) HR Issues -People management Framework -New Staff -Leavers -SRDS -RTI Data Checks -Dean’s leaving Card and Do
(12) AOB (13) Date of Next Meeting: