Netiquette internet manners, online etiquette, and digital etiquette The social code of network communication The social and moral code of the internet based on the human condition and Golden Rule A philosophy of effective internet communication that utilizes common conventions and norms as a standard for the rules of netiquette numbered tips and guidelines.
Copyright A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to authors of "original works of authorship.“ A copyright holder can prevent others from copying, performing or otherwise using the work without his or her consent.
Fair Use Offers an extraordinarily important opportunity for educators, researchers, and others to make reasonable and limited uses of copyrighted materials When do you need to think about fair use? ■ Uploading materials to Course Works or another server. ■ Clipping and copying materials into innovative teaching tools. ■ Posting materials for distance learning. ■ Developing databases of copyrighted works for research. ■ Sharing articles and other materials with colleagues. ■ Developing digital libraries. ■ Placing copies on library reserves.
Plagiarism Submitting someone else’s text as one’s own or attempting to blur the line between one’s own ideas or words and those borrowed from another source
Safety on the web Secure your passwords Learn more about how to create strong passwords and keep your information safe. Signing in and out Signing into your Google Account is simple and useful—but know when it is important to sign out as well Use secure networks Be extra careful whenever you go online using a network you don’t know, and learn about setting up your home router and WiFi network securely
Safety on your computer Effective protection will safeguard against your computer being infected with viruses and spyware that could result from your online activities that seem completely harmless – such as searching the internet, downloading, playing games and even using . In turn, it will safeguard you against potentially serious consequences such as fraud and identity theft. Avoiding Ratting - Remote Access Trojans -Take steps to avoid someone taking over your computer, and your webcam. Downloading & File Sharing - Simple measures needed to safeguard you when browsing and downloading Software Updates - Not keeping your software up to date can result in serious issues, affecting both your computer and your own personal security.
References (2012). Get Safe Online Retrieved from Chiles, D. Retrieved from Crews, K. (2009). Retrieved from Keep your stuff secure and private Retrieved from Lowe, C., Dougherty, T. ( ). Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices Retrieved from Retrieved from