CEPA Foundation Webinar #10 CEPA Foundation Webinar #10 Faculty-Led Programs: Shared Governance, Ed Abroad Professional and Faculty Roles, MOUs, Faculty.


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Presentation transcript:

CEPA Foundation Webinar #10 CEPA Foundation Webinar #10 Faculty-Led Programs: Shared Governance, Ed Abroad Professional and Faculty Roles, MOUs, Faculty Workshops/Handbook April 18, 2016 at 3 pm eastern, 2 pm central, 1 pm mountain, and 12 noon pacific time Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad Starting soon!

Introductions Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad Jim Galvin, Director, Opportunities Abroad and Faculty Led Programs, University of California, San Diego Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director CEPA Foundation Thank you for joining us!

Overview of Webinar Topics Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad  Shared governance: who has responsibility for which aspects of faculty-led programs and how do you "educate" faculty and administrators about best practices related to those responsibilities?  Roles: deciding which programs will be offered (based on disciplines, locations, staffing capacity, quality, available on-site partners), reviewing applications and admitting students, health and safety, determining budget, etc.  MOUs: ensuring that there is a shared understanding of expectations, compensation, issues related to family members, etc.  Faculty workshops/handbook: requiring faculty to attend workshops that educate them about recruitment, program design, group dynamics, supporting students while abroad, health and safety abroad, etc. and providing them with a comprehensive reference handbook.  Discussion and Q and A with the presenters

Shared Governance Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad  Importance of helping faculty, upper-level administrators, registrar, financial aid staff, campus advisors have a shared understanding of each person’s role.  Initial conversations at U of M Twin Cities and UC San Diego as Global Seminars were being conceptualized, developed, and implemented.  Crucial importance of getting it “right” from the start and/or stepping back to “readjust” once faculty-led programs have been developed.  Need for advocacy, leverage, ability to “speak truth to power” as issues arise.

Administrator and Faculty Roles for Faculty-Led Programs Abroad Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad Faculty Roles 1.Faculty on campus senate review and approve courses to make sure they meet campus standards 2.Ensure that faculty have the necessary and appropriate credentials and expertise for teaching proposed courses 3.Assist with marketing of program and recruitment of students 4.Offer high-quality courses for students abroad and do all grading and assessment 5.Provide on-site support to students (academic, cultural adjustment, and assist with personal/health/safety in conjunction with on-site staff)

Faculty Roles continued… 6.Maintain highest academic standards 7.Teach courses that fulfill key degree requirements to promote timely graduation 8.Mentor students abroad and after return to promote retention 9.Recruit new faculty to teach abroad 10.Promote broader curriculum integration across the university 11.Advocate for study abroad and internationalization Administrator and Faculty Roles for Faculty-Led Programs Abroad Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad

Administrator and Faculty Roles for Faculty-Led Programs Abroad Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad Administrator Roles 1.Determine which proposed programs are viable and of interest to students 2.Determine how many programs are feasible given staffing and student interest 3.Hire faculty and arrange for compensation, payment of expenses 4.Work with overseas program providers to develop programs and determine budget, sign contracts, and arrange for health insurance. 5.Hold workshops for faculty on recruitment, program delivery, health/safety, logistics, and role of on-site staff

Administrator and Faculty Roles for Faculty-Led Programs Abroad Administrator Roles continued… 6.Provide faculty with MOU and handbook that details all policies, issues, agreements 7.Design a comprehensive outreach strategy ( incl social media) 8.Recruit and advise students 9.Administer and award scholarships 10.Conduct assessment and prepare reports (time to degree, student & faculty satisfaction) Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad

MOUs Purpose: Clarify faculty and staff roles in shared governance model Avoid misunderstandings Set clear expectations Obtain a firm commitment by the faculty to teach Key Content: Teaching and academic freedom is for the faculty Shared roles for outreach and recruiting Health & safety requirements Staff controls contracts and budgets, with input from faculty

Faculty Workshops Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad Purpose: Promote consistency and best practices Conform to risk management polices Leverage faculty and staff experience Promote program quality and student success Content: Risk Management Pedagogy Logistics, including expense reimbursement policies Format: 90 minute in-person sessions (Transcript and taped webinars for those who cannot attend)

Faculty Handbook Purpose: Team building among new and returning faculty Promote consistency and understanding Content: Emergency procedures and contacts compensation and reimbursement Month by Month calendar of duties Format: Online format is more easily accessible Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad

Value of Shared Governance Model Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation – Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad  Allows faculty to focus on high quality curricular development and teaching  Administrative staff provide excellence in professional program management  Contribute to high student satisfaction (95% over 8 years)  Contributes to improved academic outcomes such as retention and graduation rates  Promotes faculty satisfaction and retention  Sustainable repeat programs

Please use the chat function on your screen to post questions and comments. Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad

Thank you! Jim Galvin, Director Opportunities Abroad and Faculty Led Programs University of California, San Diego Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director CEPA Foundation

Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad Thank you for participating today and also thanks to the CEPA Foundation for providing this free series of academic webinars for faculty and education abroad professionals! Your feedback is important to us! Please complete the brief survey about this webinar:  Our next free webinar will be in Fall 2016  Watch the CEPA website for more information or sign up to automatically receive an invitation.