Welcome and Introductions Progression
Progression Progression The UCAS ‘Process’ at WQE (Universities & Colleges Admissions Service) Sue Ashwin Vice Principal
Reflection of 2015 Reflection of 2015 Over 85% of cohort applied for H.E. or F.E (HE in FE/Art Foundation) 892 applications Some students took a gap year A growing number of students commenced employment and Apprenticeships Over 1000 applications processed!
The HE Process The HE Process HE Fair – April 2016 – Derby University Arrival of prospectuses – March to June Information on WQE online and ‘Apply 2017’ opened for business NOW KickStart – tomorrow! Sessions with Progress Coach June/July – focus on HE & progression preparation In – house support for entrance tests Careers service available for one to one advice and guidance
Planning ahead Planning ahead Use of Study Centre Resources; WQE online; Careers interviews (incl Connexions) Admissions test information Open days - UCAS strongly advise - directory of dates on Lots of posters around University Web sites – check ‘course profiles’ 2015 WQE students’ top choices: DMU, Leicester, Aston, Nottingham Trent, Sheffield Hallam, Uni of Nottingham Most popular Degrees: Engineering, Business Studies/Management, Accountancy/Finance, Economics, English, Law, Pharmacy and biomedical science
Internal Procedures Internal Procedures Update of predicted grades and comments from subject staff Max. 5 choices; 4 for Oxbridge/Medicine/Vet Science Complete UCAS ‘Apply 2017’ on-line inc. Personal Statement (help on WQE online, workshops & drop in surgeries); do NOT plagiarise; discuss with Progress Coach Complete by ‘Sending to Referee’ + £24 (£13 single app) Progress Coach compiles reference - processed by Student Services
Internal deadlines Early applications – 23 September Applications to competitive Universities and courses – 4 November All other courses and Universities 25 November
UCAS Process UCAS Process Invitation for interviews? Conditional/Unconditional offers? Rejection? Medical & Oxbridge mock interviews at College System continues until all offers completed – April/May/June 2017 Art Foundation get the same support – details published UCAS advice and information
The new UCAS tariff Will be used for 2017 entry Approximately a third of HEI’s use tariff points when making offers Doesn’t mean a difference to entry requirements for courses Only difference is to what grades are ‘worth’
New Tariff points
Example grade combinations A level grade Old TariffNew Tariff A*A*A* A*A*A A*AA AAA AAB ABB BBB BBC BCC CCC CCD CDD DDD 18072
Taking a Year out - How do I apply? Taking a Year out - How do I apply? There are different ways of accessing & using the system. There is no ‘preferred’ way of doing this. It purely depends on the needs & plans of each individual. Deferred entry – Apply using Apply 2017 but in point of entry indicate 2018 entry Applying post results – Apply 2018 after results in August 2017 or at any time in that academic year
Pros and Cons Deferred The positives: Place secured before Gap Year started Plans in place Easier to access support through College Cost is at 2017 Apply rate The negatives: Once committed place is for 2018 entry only Year out and/or results may change things – means possibly reapplying anyway Apply 2017 The positives: Grades known so can be matched to profile A year longer to make the right decision The negatives: Could be away and not able to attend Open Day/interview Remote access needed for decision making Only chance of 2017 entry is through late Clearing Passport – limited options
Alternatives to University
Higher or degree Apprenticeships Launched 2009 Proposed growth area (but still smallest) What’s the difference? Opportunity for a mixture of on the job experience and academic learning Entry requirements – 18+ and UCAS points PLUS…. Competitive Salary and all education costs paid When to apply
School leaver programmes Structure varies between organisations and sectors Receive education and training whilst working towards a qualification (Foundation or bachelors degree, professional qualification) Accounting & finance, hospitality, retail, engineering, IT M & S, John Lewis, Grant Thornton, Deloitte, Looking for managers & future leaders UCAS points PLUS……
Other alternatives Foundation year HE in FE Study Abroad
Contacts Sue – Wendy – Kate –