Creating the compilation Follow the following format: Picture of the athlete Name:________________________ Nationality:___________________ Sport:________________________ Disability:_____________________ Achievement/s: _______________ How does this differently-abled athlete inspire able bodied people like yourself? : ________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Contributed by:_________________ Nationality: American Sport: Wheelchair Basketball Disability:Paralyzed from waist down after accident Achievement/s: Won gold in the ‘08 Paralympics How does this differently-abled athlete inspire able bodied people like yourself? : _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Photo and info sources:________________________ Name: Stephanie Wheeler
After the individual papers are done: Check if they have all the information needed Put all of these papers together. Arrange them by class number Make a cover page with a title, names of members and your homeroom SUBMIT! Check if they have all the information needed Put all of these papers together. Arrange them by class number Make a cover page with a title, names of members and your homeroom SUBMIT!
Rubric Contributed by:_________________ Nationality: American Sport: Wheelchair Basketball Disability:_____________________ Achievement/s: Won gold in the ‘08 Paralympics How does this differently-abled athlete inspire able bodied people like yourself? : _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Photo and info sources:________________________ Name: Stephanie Wheeler 2 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Group grade: Max of 3 points for effective group reporting