Which urban model applies the bid rent theory?
CONCENTRIC ZONE MODEL The concentric zone model shows the exponential increase in land prices as you move closer to the CBD (bid-rent) _ article.php?articleId=16
What is the definition of redlining?
To refuse (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk. Redlining can be an effect of suburbanization that-banks-still-deny-black-borrowers-just-as-they-did-50-years-ago/
What is a ring of farmland surrounding a city that reduces air pollution and steadily supplies a sufficient amount of food? Where are these most commonly found?
Greenbelt, Western Europe Green belts reduce sprawl by limiting areas boundaries.
Define Gentrification
The process of rehabilitating old structures in neglected areas instead of demolishing them and rebuilding A negative effect of gentrification is that those who previously lived in the area can no longer afford it and are forced to move away
What is a primate city? Give two examples
A city that has a population twice or more the size of the population of the next largest city (Mexico City, Bangkok, Athens, Lima, Seoul, Cairo) KEwix1dPV0MvMAhVM8GMKHS5yDNoQjhwIBQ&url=http%3A%2 F%2Fwww.slideshare.net%2Flwolberg%2Fcities-11-urban- geography- 111&psig=AFQjCNE_CziApiJxTrIDVeXbEZQUjzAZow&ust= &rct=j
List the titles of the urban hierarchy in order from smallest to largest
Hamlet, village, town, city, metropolitan area, megalopolis Urban hierarchy is a ranking of places on the bases of what services are available
What is the difference between a megacity and a megalopolis?
A megacity is defined by population and not by economic activity. A city must have at least 10 million residents to be considered a megacity Majority of the megacities are in Asia
McGee is responsible for which City Model?
Southeast Asian Cities In southeast Asian cities there is no real CBD because the CBD is spread throughout the cities in clusters
Urban question What model does this image represent?
Urban answer Answer is urban Realms/ Galactic city model that was created by James Vance & Pierce Lewis Located in big ideas packet on page 59!!