SOMMAIRE 1The French Labour Market 2Active Labour Market Policy Measures For Youth in France 3Specific Partnerships 4Impact and Results May
I. The French Labour Market May
THE FRENCH LABOUR MARKET 66 million inhabitants Youth Unemployment-15 to 24 25,8% (Eurostat - Feb. 2015) 11.2 % of the % of the are NEETs (Eurostat 2013) Unemployment rate: 10.2% (Eurostat - Feb. 2016) May
Figures (12/2015) Evolution % (Dec 2015/Dec 2014) Evolution % (Dec 2014/Dec 2013) No work within a month (class A) ALL ,55,6 Under ,11,4 No work Less than 78 hours More than 78 hours (within a month) (Class ABC) ALL ,3 Under ,52,6 Evolution of young jobseekers Focus on Youth unemployment May
Focus on Youth unemployment May
II. Active measures for young jobseekers May
How do young jobseekers access support? 1)Young jobseekers access the dedicated measures after having had a first interview and a shared diagnosis with a job advisor from Pôle emploi or Mission Locale (ML). Pôle emploi agencies will meet the needs of young people facing difficulties in entering the labor market. As well, ML support those young people who combine professional and social integration difficulties. (The ML network is the main partner totally dedicated to young people aged 16 to 25 including NEETs.) Each year, 150,000 young jobseekers are referred to ML based on this partnership) 2) Pôle emploi’s « Emploi Store » with its partners, gives exhaustive and targeted information about job offers, proposes measures for the youth, entrepreneurship support and sponsorship….. : the actors of employment and vocational training gather here the best of their services. It simplifies access and offers more than 120 employment and training services. Active measures for young jobseekers May
Pole emploi’s job Board “Emploi store” is free and available 24/7,on computer, tablet or mobile. Various types of services such as Serious games, mobile applications, and MOOCs make job search easier and upgraded for young people by making it more attractive through digital systems. (96% of people in the age group have a social media account) May
Active measures for young jobseekers Main Employment contracts : 1. ’’contrats d’apprentissage’’: apprenticeship : aged 16-25, 6mths/3yrs contract Professional graduating training 2. « contrats de professionnalisation » : professional training These contracts are used as part of the support systems to sustainable employment for youth 16 to 26 years, struggling for social and professional integration 3. CUI- CIE/CUI-CAE/ STARTER : minimum 6m-maximum 24 m ; contract monthly state assistance set at 45% to 95% of monthly gross hourly minimum wage. 4. EMPLOI D’AVENIR : for young people without employment, because of their lack of training or geographical origin. It includes reciprocal commitments between the young, employers and governments (contracts : 36 months, minimum 12 months) a subsidy from 35% to 75% of gross hourly minimum wage.) 5. SUPPORT THE HIRING OF THE YOUNG : 4 month exemption from payroll taxes for long term contracts 6. CONTRAT DE GENERATION : Hiring the young and maintaining employment of a senior in the same company by ensuring the transfer of professional knowledge May
Active measures for young jobseekers Specific intensive support: ’’Accompagnement Intensif des Jeunes’’ Launched in September 2014, an intensive support for young people: 600 advisers are to young jobseekers based on ESF (up to 25 years) or YEI funds (up to 30 years) Intensive individual support for young people: 6 month support service until trial period or 2 months after starting training or business. Caseload 50 to 70 young people (120 minimum per year). Intensive collective support for young people: Intensive Club: 3 month collective support with a maximum of 15 young people until trial period or 2 months after starting training or business (60 minimum per year). Overall target of 3,700 young people in 2015 Young Jobseeker Clubs inspired by existing clubs since 2008: 3 months collective support facilitating mutual support between young jobseekers. A randomized evaluation concludes that such Club is a more successful strategy for getting them back to work. By the way, Missions Locales YG scheme: ’’Garantie Jeunes’’ Concerning volunteers disadvantaged young neets (18 to 25) - 12 month intensive support (collective workshops, vocational guidance, trainings, contacts with employers and follow-up into employment) – 452€ monthly social allowance. 100,000 entries expected by 2017 May Pôle emploi’s services for young jobseekers
III. Specific partnerships May
On the topic of young entrepreneurship, Pôle emploi has a national partnership with « Nos Quartiers ont des Talents » NQT (There are talented people in the suburbs) NQT is for young graduates from modest social background. They are coached by executives or business leaders in a professional mentoring relationship, thus, accessing a professional network. Many local associations or regional organizations provide financial or material support for young entrepreneurs, e.g. free commercial buildings, free technical assistance, co-working spaces, exemption from local taxes, volunteer counsellors, sponsorships… Professional organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Craft trade corporations give help and guidance to young entrepreneurs who consider creating an activity or those just starting. MAIN FINANCIAL SUPPORT ACCRE : a Pôle emploi allowance for young entrepreneurs, also providing exemption from certain social contributions NACRE : help setting a project, and gives financial support through interest-free loan… ADIE : Adie is an association that helps people without access to bank loans to start a business Specific partnerships May
Employment policies and active measures : In France, in 2015 (4 th quarter) Pole emploi ‘s ACCOMPAGNEMENT INTENSIF DES JEUNES (AIJ) Since 2014, participants (individual or collective support) around 1/3 found a job or a training. Between Sept and Dec. 2015, jobseekers under 25 found a job or a training four months maximum after registration (AIJ + mainstream services) IMPACTS and RESULTS (%)16-25 without qualification (%) Young beneficiaries of active measures // Active youth Young beneficiaries of active measures// Young at work May
Entrepreneurship Framing data on business creation by the youth (APCE March 2014) 25% of entrepreneurs (self-ventures and "traditional") are under 30. 28% are self-employed entrepreneurs, 14% are "traditional" entrepreneurs. In 10 years, the number of business created by young people has almost tripled. An estimated companies were created by young people under 30 in 2014 May
Thank you for your attention May