Children, young people and their parents… Elisabetta Kolar
Wellbeing or disease? We think about –Separated social and educational services (they have nothing in common) –Different social and educational services (a lot of and different opportunities) –A system of social, educational… services (a lot of opportunities in a common framework)
The choice depends on Our own idea of education (primary knowledge, learning, experience) Cultural and political frame Organization of services
Our idea of education comes from Socialization: our family gives us the first and most important idea of education. Our family gives us values, assumptions… the first idea of the world (how the world is) We have to recognize this aspect because it influences our decisions Learning Experiences (sport, groups, …) Work
Cultural and political framework We live in a specific cultural and political context: it means that we organize services in a specific context (local dimension) Our local decisions are influenced by national policy makers and, perhaps, influence national policy makers (national dimension) We have also to recognize an international dimension because it influences a lot of aspects of our life (international dimension)
Organization When we think about a new service, we have to think how this service can be integrated in a complex organization of services (or in a network of services) We know that something exists and something has to be projected (we don’t need to discover anything and we don’t change the world: we can only do something good) We have to learn by our successful experiences and by our failures
A new service… Why? What is the problem? What is our priority?
Is the family a ‘problem’? Which kind of family are we talking about? Which kind of needs? Which kind of policies?
Italian frame Italian families enhanced their conditions of life when the conditions of life improved (it was due to an economical development, not to a specific policy addressed to them) Ageing, low birth-rate, unemployment are problems that influence the family’s life (and the decision/possibility of getting married) Italian policy doesn’t support the family: we give money (some different ‘bonus’), but we don’t give services We ask our families for care and we aren’ t able to substain them We have a lot of different families with some different needs We have a lot of ideas of education and parents find difficult to give their sons values, assumptions… Educational agencies give children and young people a different view of the world: individualism, competition, performance are often emphasized
What is the problem?
What is the aim?