Project SUCCEED-HI 1 SUCCEED-HI Orientation Meeting Ozone O3 creation normal decay depletion ~ O3 per cl radical ~ impact of cl Post 1994 message O Molecules ~ Ozone Guess September 22, 2000
Project SUCCEED-HI 2 Overview Introductions Project Overview Project Logistics Introduction to Computational Science Next Steps / Q&A
Project SUCCEED-HI 3 Introductions Project Staff »Bob Gotwals (“Bob2”), Project Director »Bob Panoff (“Bob1”), Shodor Executive Director »Harry Lang, National Technical Institute for the Deaf »Frank Caccamise, NTID, Technical Signs »Kathy Beetham, Interpreters, Inc. »David Dolman, Barton College »Anne Howe, Project Evaluator »Thomasina Hardy, Superintendent, ENCSD
Project SUCCEED-HI 4 Introductions Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf »Kent Robertson »Calandra Edmond »John Farmer Barton College »Julie Beier »Debra Brewer »Katie Faust
Project SUCCEED-HI 5 Project Overview SUCCEED-HI: Stimulating Understanding of Computational science through Collaboration, Exploration, Experiment, and Discovery for Hearing- Impaired students Three-year project »Program for Persons with Disabilities (PPD), National Science Foundation »$450K, $150K/year Two parts »Curriculum/materials development »Technical signs development
Project SUCCEED-HI 6 Curriculum Development Goal: develop age-appropriate, discipline-appropriate, grade-appropriate, language-appropriate curriculum materials Focus: use of technologies, techniques, and tools of computational science Audience: middle through high school hearing- impaired students and their teachers Arena: single lesson integrations, complete units, after-school enrichment, summer camp activities, full courses Team: Shodor, ENCSD, and Barton College
Project SUCCEED-HI 7 Technical Signs Development Goal: creation of a rich repository of technical signs in support of computational science education Methodology: »Identify key terminology »Collect existing signs »Develop new signs as appropriate »Evaluate and disseminate Team: Shodor, Interpreters Inc., NTID »Input from ENCSD and Barton
Project SUCCEED-HI 8 Project Logistics Curriculum Development Team »Training Sessions –October 27-29, 2000 –November 17-20, 2000 »Beginning curriculum development –January 2000 through March/April 2000 Beta testing »April 2000, ongoing Estimated level of effort: 5-10 hours/week
Project SUCCEED-HI 9 Project Logistics Summer 2000 »Full-time employment for developers »Use of “virtual” office –Each developer has own electronic notebookelectronic notebook »Each developer works independently and/or collaboratively on a curriculum module Fall 2000 »Continued development, training as needed
Project SUCCEED-HI 10 Collaborative Tools Web page: Electronic notebooks alias »All is archivedarchived Electronic Calendar Discussion forum Goal for team members »Develop the ability to effectively work in virtual space
Project SUCCEED-HI 11 Questions? Concerns?
Project SUCCEED-HI 12 Introduction to Computational Science
Project SUCCEED-HI 13 SCIENCE: the study of how nature behaves Observational Science Experimental Science Theoretical Science Computational Science
Project SUCCEED-HI 14 Computational Science: A Tripartite Approach
Project SUCCEED-HI 15 Applications Chemistry: electronic structure determinations Physics: astrophysics (galaxy simulations) Biology: population dynamics Mathematics: fractals Environmental Science: acid rain deposition models Linguistics: analysis of language transference Economics: Adam Smith models Political Science/History: causative factors in Bosnian War conflict Medicine: epidemiology, pharmacokinetics models
Project SUCCEED-HI 16 Algorithms creating a mathematical representation of the problem -- the "mathematical model" choosing the appropriate numerical "recipe" to solve the problem »Examples –Linear Least Squares: for fitting data to a line –Newton's Method: for finding roots of an equation –Euler's Method: for solving integrals –Runge-Kutta Methods: for solving integrals –Cramer's Rule: for solving systems of equations
Project SUCCEED-HI 17 Architecture choosing the appropriate "platform" to solve the problem »single-user personal computer (IBM PC, Macintosh) »scientific workstation (SGI Indy 2) »workstation clusters »supercomputer (Cray T3D MPP system) –scalar/serial processors –vector processors –parallel processors –vector/parallel machines
Project SUCCEED-HI 18 Computational Science Tools Types of Tools for solving computational problems »Programming: Fortran, BASIC, C, Pascal »Spreadsheets »Equation-Solvers: Mathematica, TKSolver, Maple, MathCAD »Dynamic Modelers: STELLA II, VenSim »Scientific Visualization Programs: NCSA Scientific Visualization Tools, Spyglass, AVS, Wavefront »Discipline-Specific Software: GAUSSIAN94, MOPAC, UAM, PAVE, etc.
Project SUCCEED-HI 19 What Computational Science is NOT! putting numbers into a spreadsheet analyzing data gathered in the field or experimentally fitting data to an equation visualizing data collected experimentally or in the field writing a computer program using a computer to do databases, word processing or presentations
Project SUCCEED-HI 20 BUT!! Why do we need this? there are many interesting problems that can be solved using this technology that cannot be easily solved using traditional methods »too tedious to solve problems using calculators »too dangerous to try to solve problems in the laboratory »too expensive to try to solve problems in the laboratory »problems are only solvable using mathematical techniques or models establish a true marriage between mathematics, computing and science Who cares?
Project SUCCEED-HI 21 Who Cares? 21st Century Science: The Grand Challenges »Molecular and structural biology »Cosmology »Environmental Hydrology »Warfare and Survivability »Chemical Engineering and electronic structure »Weather prediction »Nanomaterials Solve any PART of one of these problems, and ….
Project SUCCEED-HI 22
Project SUCCEED-HI 23 Demo: Modeling an Epidemic
Project SUCCEED-HI 24 Next Steps / Q&A Training sessions - October and November Deliverables: »Institutional and personal profilesInstitutional and personal profiles STELLA software