The Treaty of Versailles
WW1 Ends with a Treaty A truce, or temporary peace was declared at 11:00, on 11/11/1918. This was the flawed peace treaty that officially ended WW1. The treaty took six months to negotiate. Germany was not invited. Why?
What does the following quote tell you of the German feelings about this treaty? "Had our army, had our workmen, on the 5th and 9th of November, known that peace would have looked that way, the army would not have laid down its arms; it would have held out." – General Ludendorff, 1919, after this treaty is published
The Big Four at the Paris Peace Talks (1919) Woodrow Wilson – U.S. President, is one of the four major negotiators Woodrow Wilson – U.S. President, is one of the four major negotiators Georges Clemenceau France Georges Clemenceau France David Lloyd George - Britain David Lloyd George - Britain Vittorio Orlando – Italy Vittorio Orlando – Italy
Some of Wilson’s Fourteen Points ( His plan for lasting peace ) ( His plan for lasting peace ) self-determination self-determination What does this mean? What does this mean? peace without victory (no losers) peace without victory (no losers) Disarmament (everyone) Disarmament (everyone) fair treatment of colonial peoples fair treatment of colonial peoples League of Nations League of Nations (with no permanent Army)
Georges Clemenceau France- almost destroyed in WWI France- almost destroyed in WWI They wanted protection from further Germany attacks They wanted protection from further Germany attacks Destroy the German military Destroy the German military make Germany: make Germany: pay for war pay for war accept total blame for war accept total blame for war
David Lloyd George Britain was most afraid of German u-boats Britain was most afraid of German u-boatsWhy? wanted to get rid of German navy wanted to get rid of German navy wanted Germany’s colonies wanted Germany’s colonies wanted to get paid for losses wanted to get paid for losses
Vittorio Orlando Italy entered war because of promise of cities & land in Austria. When Britain & France refused to give Italy any real land, Orlando walked out. Italy will hold a grudge over this. Why? French Indochina, Ho Chi Minh
The Treaty had 5 main points: 1. War Reparations (Payments) $28 billion demanded, paid to the winners. $28 billion demanded, paid to the winners. (after the damages were tallied)
2. Military Restricted 100,000 soldiers 100,000 soldiers 6 warships 6 warships no planes no planes no submarines no submarines
100,000 De-militarised The Military Clauses
3. War Guilt Clause Germany must accept that they were totally responsible for starting the war. Germany must accept that they were totally responsible for starting the war. (The most hated part of the treaty.) (The most hated part of the treaty.)
4. Germany Loses land, too.
Territorial Losses Germany lost ALL of her overseas colonies Alsace-Lorraine was given to France
Both the Ottoman and Austrian Empires are totally destroyed by this treaty. Who gets the pieces? The Turks fight a (civil?) war with the Greeks who got 1/3 rd of their country- kick them out, and form the modern country of Turkey.
5. Mandate system Mandates – temporary colonies handed out by the League of Nations Mandates – temporary colonies handed out by the League of Nations Carved from Ottoman Empire: Carved from Ottoman Empire: Syria & Lebanon (France) Syria & Lebanon (France) Jordan and Palestine (Britain) Jordan and Palestine (Britain) along with Egypt & Iraq
Japan What war had they won against a western power in 1905? What war had they won against a western power in 1905? They joined Britain in this war, in order to acquire German colonial land near them. They joined Britain in this war, in order to acquire German colonial land near them. They face little opposition, but gain resources while building up their military. They face little opposition, but gain resources while building up their military. Got to keep all land they captured Got to keep all land they captured First aircraft carrier was Japan’s in WWI! Where will this lead?
What happened to Wilson’s 14 points? Even though Wilson entered Versailles with the only good army, he got very sick and gave in to the demands of Britain and France. Due to his illness, the League of Nations idea is all that Wilson gets from his 14 points. Due to his illness, the League of Nations idea is all that Wilson gets from his 14 points. So, was the Treaty of Versailles fair to Germany? He thought punishing Germany was a bad idea, and that the colonies should immediately have their independence.
The new German democracy (Weimar Republic) signed the Treaty of Versailles under protest. signed the Treaty of Versailles under protest. The Germans claimed they did not start the war. The Germans thought other countries such as Austria-Hungary should also pay for war damages. Do you agree with the German argument? Should other countries share responsibility for war and damages? We know that Germany starts WWII in Do you think the Treaty of Versailles may have caused WWII?
US Senate Rejects the Treaty Feeling like they had already gotten too involved, the US Senate refuses to OK the Treaty or to join the League. Feeling like they had already gotten too involved, the US Senate refuses to OK the Treaty or to join the League. We negotiate a separate peace with Germany. We negotiate a separate peace with Germany. Would the League of Nations be stronger or weaker without the US?
Who got what they wanted? (part 1) France? France? Britain? Britain? US? US? Italy? Italy? Germany? Germany? Russia? Russia?
Who got what they wanted? (part 2) How will colonial people see this treaty? How will colonial people see this treaty? Who comes out of this stronger than they started? Who comes out of this stronger than they started?