Junior Professionals in Delegation and European Voluntary Service Wrocław, 6 June 2016 Dagna Lewandowska European Commission
Junior Professionals in Delegation (JPD) - a high-level traineeship programme established by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC) - it gives an opportunity to highly qualified junior professionals from the EU Members State to work in the EU Delegations worldwide - the aim of the programme is to enable young people to gain a first-hand experience in the work of Delegations and an in-depth understanding of their role in the implementation of EU external policies
JPD – who can apply? CANDIDATES SHOULD: - be a national from an EU Member State, - hold a university degree equivalent to a Master's degree in a domain relevant to the activities of the Delegations; - have excellent command of English and/or French; knowledge of other languages is an asset; - show a great interest and motivation to work in a Delegation; - professional experience, extra-curriculum activities such as volunteering or publications, is an important asset. WHERE ARE THE CANDIDATES POSTED? Junior Professional can work in one of the 139 EU Delegations and can be posted in: - the EEAS sections - for political, press and information functions; - the EC sections - for development aid management, trade, economic issues.
Work of JPD The EEAS sections: Political analysis and reporting in the domains of: country's overall situation, foreign policy, relations with the EU, MS & other international partners, governance, rule of law & democracy, civil society, gender issues, institutional and legal developments, justice, liberties & security issues; Networking; Information and communication – cooperation with press section; Organisation of cultural events.
Work of JPD The EC sections: • Sector policy: following sector policy, coordination with donors; • Policy development: design, elaboration and implementation of development cooperation strategies, programmes and projects; • Programme/Project implementation: assisting in programming, identification, monitoring and evaluation (PCM); • Information and Communication: preparation of notes and documents, communication on the section's activities; • Networking: developing contacts with national authorities, line Ministries and Institutions and other national stakeholders, incl. CSOs and other main partners, in the areas of: rural development, infrastructure, social affairs, economic affairs, governance and rule of law.
JPD – traineeship conditions Selected candidates are offered a single traineeship agreement of a fixed-term of nine months, which can be renewed for another period of nine months. Trainees are entitled to a monthly remuneration package composed of: - a grant of 1,300 EUR; - an accommodation contribution set at 1,000 EUR; - a hardship contribution - depending on the Living Conditions Allowance in a Delegation from 10% to 35%. In addition, JPDs are granted: - an installation contribution of 2,000 EUR at the beginning of their traineeship; - a contribution for the cost of the journey for each period of a traineeship - 2,500 EUR; - 500 EUR to cover the insurance cost for each period of 9 months of traineeship.
JPD – application procedure SELECTION PROCESS : - the pre-selection of candidates managed by the EU Member States, - the final selection and candidates matching is made by EEAS and the EC. The 2016 round (ongoing): launched in June 2015, traineeship started in March 2016. Next round: call for applications expected in the beginning of 2017, traineeship start expected in August/September 2017. http://eeas.europa.eu/jobs/delegations/junior-professional-delegations/
JPD – what's next? - staying in the EU Delegation as a local agent/temporary staff, - taking EPSO exams and looking for a job in the EEAS or EC (DEVCO), - experience valuable for other international organizations: OSCE, UN agendas (UNDP, UNICEF), CoE, development aid agencies, - work in your country's diplomatic service or international NGOs…
European Voluntary Service (EVS) For whom? 17 and 30 year-old and willing to volunteer abroad from 2 weeks to 12 months What are the topics the volunteers work on? projects cover a wide range of fields: culture, youth, education, sports, children, cultural heritage, arts, animal welfare, minorities, human rights, disabilities, social dialogue, migrations, environment and development cooperation. Where can you volunteer? Whole Europe, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Russia, Agieria, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel. A person from non-EU contry can volunteer only in a country which is the EU member state.
EVS An EVS volunteer receives: - accommodation, - food (or money equivalent), - insurance - pocket money, - a ticket for public transportation or a bike, - majority of travel costs, - local language lessons. A volunteer receives about 150 - 300 EUR for food and pocket money, depending on a country. How does it work? - an EVS project is a partnership between two or more promoting organisations, - volunteers participate in EVS through a Sending Organisation in the country where they live and a Receiving Organisation that receives and hosts them.
EVS - How can you apply? 1. Contact an organization that is recruiting volunteers for a granted project (usually takes less time) OR 2. Contact an organisation to discuss starting a project (it can take several months for a project to start). To contact an organisation, consult the database of accredited organizations. https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/evs-organisation_en
EVS Youthpass and key competences Communication in the mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competence Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Cultural awareness and expression
EVS – what's next? - discovering your strenghts, abilities and talents, (re-)setting your life goals, - applying newly acquired skills or language knowledge back home, - getting involved in informal education, - staying in the EVS country and finding an internship or job opportunity…
EU Aid Volunteers - an initiative by European Commission Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection departament (ECHO); - open to EU citizens from a wide range of backgrounds and with different experiences, from newcomers to experienced professionals; - the first publication of vacancies for volunteers is expected to be summer 2016.; - the programme covers expenses during the deployment, including travel costs, insurances, and accommodation is provided. In addition, EU Aid Volunteers will receive a monthly subsistence allowance covering everyday expenses such as food, local transport and other expenses; - the duration of the volunteering project will be from 1 month to over a year. http://ec.europa.eu/echo/what/humanitarian-aid/eu-aid-volunteers_en
Thank you!