Statistics is revealed by the word itself which is said to have been derived either from the latin word ‘status’ or the Italian word ‘Statista’ or the German word ‘Statistik’ which means poltical state. In plural sense, the word statistics refers to numerical facts and figures collected in a systematic manner with a definite purpose in any field of study. In singular sense, it refers to the science of comprising methods which are used in collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data.
According to Croxton and Cowden “ Statistics may be defined as the collection, presentation and interpretation of numerical data.” This is more comprehensive definition of statistics. The definition covers the following aspect of statistics. 1. Collection of Data 2. Organisation 3. Presentation 4. Analysis 5. Interepretation
According to Horace Secrist: ‘By statistics we mean aggregates of facts affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of causes, numerically expressed, enumerated according to reasonable standard of accuracy, collected in a systematic manner for a predetermined purpose and placed in relation to each other.’ The features of this definition are as follows. 1 Aggregate of Facts 2 Affected by Multiplicity of Causes 3 Numerically Expressed 4 Enumerated or Estimated according to Reasonable standards of accuracy 5 Collected in a Systematic manner 6 Collected for pre-determined purpose 7 Placed in Relation to each other
1. In planning 2. In business 3. In economics 4. In Banking 5. In state management 6. In research activities
1. Presents facts in definite form 2. Reduces the complexity of data 3. Facilitates comparison 4. Formulation of policies 5. Forecasting 6. Formulation and testing of hypothesis
1. Statistics does not deal with individuals 2. Statistics does not study qualitative phenomenon 3. Statistical laws are not exact 4. Statistics is only a means 5. Statistics can misused
The first step in any inquiry is collection of data. The process of getting necessary information from the units under investigation is called collection of data. From the definition of statistics, it is an aggregate of facts which can be expressed numerically. The data may be collected for the whole population or for a sample only. It is mostly collected on sample basis. Collection of data is very difficult job. The person who conducts the statistical inquiry is known as investigator.
1. Census method 2. Sample method In the census method, information is collected from each and every unit of the universe or the population which forms the subject matter of the study. In the sample method, information is collected from a part of the universe and based on that, conclusion is drawn for the entire population or universe.
1. Primary data 2. Secondary data These data collected for the first time are original in character and they are called primary data. It is not, however, necessary for the investigator to collect and use original data in all his investigation. In most of the statistical enquiries, he can use the data already collected and used by others. Such are called secondary data for him.
1. Direct personal interview method 2. Indirect Oral interviews 3. Mailed questionnaire method 4. Schedule sent through Enumerators 5. Information through correspondence