Sun The Sun is 5 billion years old It weights 2,000 trillion tones One million Earths can fit the Sun
Sun The Sun is a Yellow Dwarf star The temperature of the Sun is 5,500 Celsius
Terrestial Planets A day in Mercury is 59 earths days The biggest mountain in the Solar System is Olympus Mons The hottest planet in the Solar System is Venus
Terrestial Planets Terrestial planets are composed of Rocks and heavy metals Mercury has the thinnest atmosphere
Gas Planets Saturn’s rings are made of ice, dust and tiny rocks. Jupiter’s biggest storm is “The Eye of Jupiter”
Gas Planets Jupiter and Saturn are the Gas Giants The great red spot of Jupiter is 300 years old. It is bigger than the Earth.
General Fun Facts The first creature in the space was Laika She died because she didn’t have oxygen. There are 20 trillion of galaxies in the universe
General Fun Facts If you fall into a black hole you will stretch like a spaguetti Glaise is the new planet in the universe