CIVIL ENGINEERING (3rd sem)B.E SUBJECT: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Submitted by:- Guied by:- Kansara Rahul.d Gaurav j vyas (140683106002) Parmar Narendra.k (140683106001)
What are temporary works? Temporary works (TW) are the parts of a construction project that are needed to enable the permanent works to be built. Usually the TW are removed after use. EX- Scaffolding Timbering in trenches Shoring Underpinning
Timbering in trenches Various Method of Timbering Stay bracing Box sheeting Vertical sheeting Runners Sheet piling
Stay Bracing Used method –Firm ground & depth of excavation does not exceed 2 m.
Box Sheeting
Used method- loose soil & depth of excavation does not exceed 4 m. A box like structure is formed by providing polling board, wales & struts.
Vertical Sheeting This method is adopted for deep trenches (up to 10 m depth) in soft ground. The method is similar to box sheeting except that the excavation is carried out in stages and at the end of each stage an offset is provided.
Runners In case of soft ground runner system is provided. The system is similar to vertical sheeting.
Sheet piling This method is used Soil to be excavated is loose or soft. Width of trench is large. Depth of excavation is large. Sub soil water is present.
What is Scaffolding? Scaffolding, also called staging, is a temporary structure used to support people and material in the construction or repair of buildings and other structures.
Types of scaffolding Single scaffolding Double scaffolding Needle scaffolding Trestle scaffolding Suspended scaffolding Steel scaffolding Patented scaffolding
Single scaffolding
This is the most common type of scaffolding and is widely use in the construction of brickwork.. It consist of a single row of standards placed at a distance of about 1.20m from the wall. Standard are placed at 2 to 2.5 m interval.
Double Scaffolding
This scaffolding is stronger than the single scaffolding. It is used in the construction of stonework.
Needle Scaffolding Used: Ground is week to support the standards. Construction of upper part of the wall is to be carried out. It is required to keep the ground near wall , free for traffic etc.
Trestle Scaffolding In this type of scaffolding, the working platform is supported on movable contrivances movable on wheels. Use: painting , repair work
What is Shoring? Types of Shoring Shoring is the construction of a temporary structure to support temporarily an unsafe structure. Types of Shoring Raking Shores Flying Shores Dead Shores
Raking Shores
This is a system of giving temporary support to an unsafe wall. The construction of raking shore, varies with the condition at site. In this method In this method inclined members called rakers are used to give lateral support to the wall.
Flying shores
In this type of shoring horizontal supports are provided for supporting temporarily the parallel walls of the two adjacent buildings which may tend to collapse or damage. If the walls are quite near to each other (up to 9m) single flying shore can be constructed. When the distance between two parallel walls is more than 9m a double shore can be constructed.
Dead shores
Such type of shoring is provided for the following purposes: Rebuild the defective lower part of the wall. Rebuild the existing foundation. To make large opening in the existing wall.
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