Electronic Banking Contact Centres PSSDC/PSCIOC/ICCS Telephony Action Research Project, June 17/05 Defining Quality & Determining the Customer Experience Dennis Migel, Vice-President Toronto Electronic Banking Contact Centre
Electronic Banking Contact Centres PSSDC/PSCIOC/ICCS Telephony Action Research Project, June 17/05 Customer Experience Models and Defining Quality Service delivery and selling skills models with built-in compliance Criteria selection based on known and benchmarked customer satisfiers and Bank quality service standards 2 models with 67 distinct criteria; objectively defined with “sounds-like” references
Electronic Banking Contact Centres PSSDC/PSCIOC/ICCS Telephony Action Research Project, June 17/05 Customer Experience Models & Sustainment Strategy Customer Service Index % (CSI) performance goal determined through quality monitoring What gets measured, gets done What gets recognized, gets done first Coaching Scripting 2-day workshops (new hires) Series of 37 skill-building sessions
Electronic Banking Contact Centres PSSDC/PSCIOC/ICCS Telephony Action Research Project, June 17/05 Quality Monitoring using the Customer Experience Model Measure performance against established standards Confirm staff have the skills to deliver service and determine when they don’t Evaluate the overall quality and customer response to service provided
Electronic Banking Contact Centres PSSDC/PSCIOC/ICCS Telephony Action Research Project, June 17/05