1 Pertemuan 23 Making It Happen Matakuliah: A0194/Pengendalian Rekayasa Ulang Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/5.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pertemuan 23 Making It Happen Matakuliah: A0194/Pengendalian Rekayasa Ulang Informasi Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/5

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menunjukkan hubungan antara kebutuhan kontrol dengan current architecture

3 Outline Materi Step One: Take Control of The Current Architecture

4 Fundamentally, there are three primary steps that need to take immediately after creating the business views of the architecture.

5 Step one: take control of the current architecture. Step one is a critical step, but it is the one that is usually left out of most architecture projects. You need to take control of the current architecture or you will never get to your future architecture.

6 Step two: Set priorities. Almost all information systems organizations set some kind of priorities. However, in most cases, they are set in a very reactive manner. In an architected environment, priorities have to be set in a planned manner, again like remodeling a home. The foundation probably needs to be repaired before you make a significant investment in a new room that relies on that foundation.

7 Step three: Chart the course. Establishing the course may seem to be a simple thing to do. After all, as managers, most of us have had to create tactical plans to meet a strategic objective before.

8 The architecture is made up of the information systems boundaries and the enterprise data hubs and data standards that integrate those information systems. When you get your architectural components in place, you should be more proud of the floor plan of the remodeled house that you are of the wallpaper. The new technology is not the important part of the architecture. If you think that the new technology is your architecture, you are automatically assuming that your architecture will not stand the test of time.

9 Step One: Take Control of The Current Architecture Step one is a critical step, you need to take control of current architecture or you will never get to your future architecture. Can you imagine trying to significantly remodel a home without any control over contractors who constantly “fixing” parts of home?

10 Step One: Take Control of The Current Architecture Information Systems as assets Ally Ally in come free Enterprise data standard Reducing the Number of Database

11 The End