"PARKOLOGIC" By: Platypus Team 30 March 2011 Funny education…
Our vision of environment “A tour to learn about the importance of the environment...” This is PARKOLOGIC! Ray Ultraviolet…
What people say? “You do not need a classroom to learn about caring for the environment…” “Fun is the best way of learning for children and youth, and a good way for adults to reflect…” "PARKOLOGIC is learning fun…" José Buezo, Honduras Leader Student Luis Paz, Guatemala Agriculture Student Angel Bettaglio, El Salvador Sportman
What people say? "Education+Fun+Environment= CHANGE!" Walter Chaves, Costa Rica Green member “It is an impressive project, and that is thinking about the environment...” Samuel Yepes, Colombia Agriculture Student
Our inspiration to connect Questions we’ll do… Do you think the population will stop in 2050, and then we will regulate? What new technologies should we adopt and what should we reject?