Factors Affecting the Human Resources Planning By Uswatun Khasanah
Definition of Human Resource Planning Various views on the definition of human resource planning as proposed by Handoko (1997: 53) states that, "Human resource planning is a series of activities undertaken to anticipate the demands of business and environmental organizations in the future and also to meet labor needs posed by these conditions ". Where more narrowly human resource planning means to systematically estimate the demand (needs) and the supply of labor to an organization in the future.
Factors Affecting the Human Resources Planning 1. Environtmental 2. Organizational Decisions 3. Factors Supplies Employees
1. Environmental External Environmental: Government Law and Regulations Composition and Diversity of the Labor Force The Union Technology Geographic Location of the Organization Competitiveness Economic Coditions
1. Environmental Internal Environmental: StrategyGoals Organization Culture Work Group Leader Style and Experiences
2. Organizational Decisions The strategic plan of the company is the most influential decision. It binds the company in the long term to achieve goals such as growth rates, new products, or new market segments. These goals determine the number and quality of employees needed in the future. In the short term, the planners translate strategic plans into operational in the form of a budget. The amount of the budget is a short-term impact of the most significant in the human resource needs. Forecasts of sales and production although not as precise as the budget also cause changes in short-term personnel needs. Business expansion means new human resources needs. Likewise, reorganization or redesign of jobs can radically alter the needs and require a variety of different skills levels of employees in the future.
3. Factors Supplies Employees Requests human resources modified by the activities of employees. Pensions, a request stop, termination and death are all raising personnel needs. Past data on these factors and trends of development can serve as a guide to plan accurately.
Benefits Human Resource Planning Empower existing human resources to better Improve the effectiveness of the work Improving labor productivity Determine the human resources needs better Handling employment information As understandable one in the preliminary planning activities including human resource planning is research. Plan of human resources is the basis for the preparation of the work program for the working unit that handles human resources in the company. Knowing the labor market. The reference in preparing human resource development program.
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