Aims 2 To develop an integrated transport solution for the mobility of people living in low- density areas that: ... is effective and safe; ... is efficient; ... is sustainable and affordable; ... ensures an optimal solution for the mobility of the population resident in the selected area; ... contributes to the economical and social development (local, regional and national).
Problems Deficient urban planning and excessive use of private transport; The solutions adopted have been fragmented and short term; High levels of congestion and pollution; high accident rates; Deficient integration of interface structures; Lack of fare and public information integration systems; Deficient licensing framework. 3
Private car Transporte Escolar Old vehicles 4 How do rural residents make their trips?
Stakeholder objectives & an integrated solution PT OPERATORS PUBLIC AUTHORITIES Cost efficiency -> scheduled services in high demand zones & periods TAXIS Flexibility at reasonable fares Basic mobility; Environmental concerns; Cost efficiency USERS DRT SERVICES Innovative integrated & flexible system - Public-private cooperation - NEW REGULATORY framework 5
DRT – a source of opportunities… Opportunities: Flexibility in time, space networking and vehicle type... …increases accessibility & social inclusion …promotes more efficient mass transit …more environmental friendly alternative (however) Weaknesses: some services may be difficult to implement (eg, door-to-door) it is more costly per user-km!, a COST-EFFECTIVE system is needed! Requires advanced IS/IT technologies Requires computerized dynamic OPTIMIZATION Requires continuous management, monitoring & control 6
A conceptual model & functional architecture Phone and SMS Internet Call operators Data Warehouse GIS Visualisation Software (OR inside!) GPS, Radio and GPRS technologies SUPPLY OPERATIONAL CENTER DEMAND 7
Decision making support system 8
DRT services & integration Replace fixed routes by flexible ones in rural areas (at off- peak periods, based on demand responsive services); Create pre-requested services on demand; Build feeder services into scheduled PT network at designated stops. PT STOP (for transfers) DRT STOP DRT AREA 9
Regional PT integration Suburban Rural area 2 DRT2 Rural area 1 DRT1 Fixed route & flexible schedule Urban Interurban corridor Fixed scheduled services Transfer stops DRT stops 10
Factors for success Plan (a mix of) appropriate services, depending on the implementation area, day and time period: adjust supply to demand in order to accomplish maximum vehicle occupation rates; study viability before implement (use of simulation tools)! Design a good organizational structure; Provide accessible and dynamic information to public; Provide tariff integration & comfortable transfers; Provide optimized services and a robust (but easy) booking system; Provide high-level operational management & control for assuring efficient service performance & integration. 11
Case study area DRT being studied for the North-East of NUT3-Vale do Cávado: -Population ~ 30k -Area ~ 450 km 2 -Density ~66, [30-90] p./km 2 12 PTL – High density area -> high coverage fixed PT system
DRT integration: transfer corridors N Braga 13
Our study approach Demand & supply modelling; Analytical solution procedures, and… Micro-simulation framework: Explicit simulation of demand calls and vehicle operations; Supply model includes operational management software, i.e. optimized services; Study of different scenarios that include a wide range of services´ flexibility. 14
Preliminary results System performance (and viability) highly depends on the joint effects of critical operational-level parameters, such as vehicle fleet, minimum time for booking, and pick-up time tolerance; DRT trips may cost up to 10 times more than regular trips; Viability seems possible for vehicle occupation rates of 50% to 60%. 15
On-going and future work 16 To undertake research into DRT and PTL concepts and model parameters by using case study data; To undertake an economic viability study of a DRT and its regional-level PT integration for the study area; To validate the model's framework – setting guidelines and manual of good practices.
Thank you… ASTRA – “Alternative System of Transport for Rural Areas” (FCT – PTDC / TRA / / 2006) SEOOR / Centro Algoritmi The University of Minho Contact information: