Mobile Concepts through Collaboration Nancy Harmon Chief Curatorial Officer, Encurate Chicago, Illinois, USA
Archaeology Anthropology Technology Museology
Of over 2,000 institutions that responded to a survey administered by the American Alliance of Museums in 2011, 60% of museums did not offer a mobile option to their visitors.
Among those that did, less than 5% were natural history and history museums.
64% of American adults own a smart phone of some kind 43% of museums are offering a mobile app PEW Research Center 2015, Tallon, Loïc. Museums & Mobile Survey 2013
Visitor Research 47% of visitors did not allow push notifications 72% of visitors would allow push notifications from the museum – “That would be interesting” – “That would be really cool!”
Benefits of Mobile “Everyone is on their phone. They’re using them to engage whether we provide the app or not.” -Rich Cherry, The Broad Inquiry-Skill-Building ● Analytical Experiences ● Conceptual Learning ● Increased Engagement Semper et al
The Chicago Academy of Sciences and its Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum