MICE Step IV Commissioning: Overview (March-April 2015) Milorad Popovic MAP 2015 Spring Collaboration Meeting
Step IV, September 2015
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UK, Oxford. February
MICE Hall, 22-Apr-2015 PRY-South Focusing Coil Upstream Solenoid Downstream Solenoid
Installation Sequence, Step IV
MICE-April Beam Run For March & April we had Run Plan to run six weekends with the Muon/Pion beam. First weekend ISIS was down for whole day Saturday Second weekend it was Easter Holyday Third weekend Decay Solenoid was “quenching” at 120Amps Fourth weekend DAQ system was not operational Fifth week we got permission from ISIS to run weeknights, detectors start collecting data Sixth week every detector except Tracker was functional This shows that MICE is real physics experiment, controlled Chaos that on the end had all elements working
International Partners
MICE Is International Collaborative Effort Of 65 Physicists From 16 Institutions: 11 Universities 5 National Laboratories (FNAL, BNL, LBNL, RAL, IHEP) 9 Counties (USA, UK, Italy, Switzerland, Nederland, Bulgaria, Serbia, China, Japan) 3 Continents (North America, Europe and Asia)
This MICE Run was set of Heroic Efforts: Daresbury People fixed Decay Solenoid Power Supply and magnet system stop “quenching” Ed Overton rewired DAQ so some data was taken with “old trigger system” and Yordan had some sort of kayaking weekend in France not totally destroyed Yordan came from Geneva and rewired from Tuesday to Friday completely new trigger, DAQ system Durga spent days & nigths doing (end redoing) TOF calibrations Francois Drielsma fixed EMR HV power supply problems Paolo Franchini spend days & nigths in control room and hall helping Francois Henry Nebrensky trained ~15 new/old shifters Pierrick Hanlet worked literally 12 hours 7 days for 5 weeks
Ionization Cooling Demonstration Components RF Cavity Tracker&Solenoid Focusing Coils Focusing Coils LHD Absorber Matching Coils