25360 Malibu Road
MALIBU LCP REQUIREMENTS FOR A FINDING Malibu LCP Local Implementation Plan Chapter 9 Page REQUIRED FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Written findings of fact, analysis and conclusions addressing geologic, flood, and fire hazards, structural integrity or other potential hazard must be included in support of all approvals.... Such findings shall address the specific project impacts relative to the applicable development standards identified in Section 9.4 of the Malibu LIP DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All proposed new development located in or near an area subject to geologic hazards shall be required to submit a geologic/soils/geotechnical study..... that adheres to the City of Malibu's "Guidelines for the preparation of engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering reports," City of Malibu “Guidelines for the preparation of engineering geologic and geotechnical engineering reports” 5.7 Mandatory Building Code Statements Geotechnical consultants shall provide a complete finding in accordance with Section 111 Malibu Building Code Section 111. states that the geotechnical engineering report “shall contain a finding regarding the safety of the building site for the proposed structure against hazard from landslide, settlement or slippage and a finding regarding the effect that the proposed building or grading construction will have on the geotechnical stability of property outside of the building site”.
Analysis of off-site impacts is possible While the City did not require any analysis of off-site impacts, Dr. Johnson asked for one but only received a partial analysis. The analysis done was for only the property directly north of the soldier pile wall but for no other property. Such an analysis should be required for other areas as well. Hydroaugers help with stability but do not guarantee that the slide will not move again. There has been movement since the hydrogers were installed. Two lots to the east: : 1.3 inches :.6 inches :.4 to.5 inches :.6 inches In an El Nino year there could be significant movement again. Hydroaugers do not assure stability
Substantial Issue 1- No findings made by City as required 2- Sets a Statewide Precedent 3- Sets a Precedent for interpretation of the Malibu LCP 4- Affects more than one property 5- Need to analyze impacts of soldier pile wall on off-site properties and alternative designs of home