SIC: Small Business Recommendations Amy Jo Moore Speaker of the Senate Oct. 2015
Prioritization Based on impact and ease of implementation Priority 1 –Should be implemented immediately Priority 2 –Prepare and implement within 12 months Priority 3 –Implement within 24 months 2
First Priority Recommendation:Assigned to: Eliminate the appearance that employee sponsorship is needed for members to apply for higher Society offices BOD & Society Nominating Committee Expand sponsorship and participation opportunities for small businesses Conference Advisory Board, Annual & Region Conference Planning Committees, Sections & HQ Market to small businesses as gender-neutral, inclusiveHQ Open CPC to small businesses, or create a Small Business CPC1 HQ Promote Associate Membership ProgramHQ Collect company size information in member directoryHQ Develop an eWorkbook to promote SWE membership benefits to small business employees and employers Membership Committee 3
Second Priority Recommendation:Assigned to: Market existing webinars and training presentations specifically towards small business members Curriculum Committee & LCC Advertise SWE as an Employee Resource Group to both small business employers and employees Membership Committee, Director of Membership Initiatives Provide training and professional development modules for small businesses that do not have the resources Curriculum Committee, LCC & HQ Establish partnerships with technical organizations and/or their women’s groups HQ 4
Second Priority (cont’d) Recommendation:Assigned to: The Awards Packet selection criteria should be updated to account for size of a company Awards and Recognition Committee Provide networking opportunities for Small Business Members at Annual and Region Conferences Annual & Region Conference Planning Committees, Conference Advisory Board Expand conference offerings for small businesses members Annual & Region Conference Planning Committees, Conference Advisory Board SWE should better promote and market awards training webinars to encourage all members to apply HQ 5
Third Priority Recommendation:Assigned to: Establish affinity group for Small Business Members HQ, BOD & Membership Committee Establish new section level, region level, and society level programs specifically geared towards small business members Director of Regions, Region Governors, Section Officers, Membership Committee, Region Conference Task Force, Curriculum Committee, Conference Advisory Board, HQ Develop awards categories based on company size Awards & Recognition Committee and/or Region Awards Committees Develop awards specifically for small business contributors at the region level Region Awards Committees 6