Discuss 10 keys to leading and motivating the people you manage.
What are you most proud of? What parts of your work are challenging? What challenges do you enjoy? What aspects are most satisfying? What makes work harder than needed? Do you feel appreciated? What work inspires you? Do you feel you have support?
Be careful and cautious in hiring. Don’t drag your feet when faced with a job-fit problem.
Use goals as a tool to align work with the departments priorities. When assigning work, take to the time to explain why it’s important. Help your employees prioritize work and focus on the most important tasks.
Make sure your employees have the skills and knowledge to do their work effectively. Plan ahead. Delegate with appropriate planning and training.
Don’t meddle in, interfere with, or second guess other people’s work. When your employees make mistakes, have the courage to take the blame yourself. Let others make decisions and trust them.
Look for and reward progress, not just big accomplishments Say “thank you” and “nice job” often. Catch people doing something right. Use surprising, fun, and meaningful rewards. Be generous in giving credit to others.
Expectations impact results. Don’t tolerate negative attitudes or unproductive complaining.
Listen to everyone. Make time to talk with your staff about things beyond the task at hand. Pay attention. Show that you care.
Create an environment where differences in opinion can be openly expressed. Demonstrate respect. Foster diversity.
Have fun. Make decisions and act in a way consistent with your principles. Set an example of a healthy work-life balance.