IODE Ocean Data Portal - technological framework of new IODE system Dr. Sergey Belov, et al. Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal
22 Objectives Facilitate and promote the exchange and dissemination of marine data and services; Provide the seamless access to marine data to NODCs across the IODE network through the discovery, evaluation and access to data via web based services; Identify and recommend standards to provide interoperability with IODE data centres to allow shared use of metadata, data and products.
33 Core principles Interoperability Ocean Data Portal (ODP) should be interoperable with existing systems Non-intervention ODP should not obligate to change NODCs legacy systems (structures, formats, etc.) Data and services available free and without registration According to the IOC Data Exchange Policy (Resolution IOC-XXII-6)
4 Ocean Data Portal as technology Provides Infrastructure to integrate collections and inventories of marine data and allow for the discovery, evaluation and access to data via web services to meet the needs of related communities
5 What ODP does? Provides facility to connect & integrate local data, products and services into the distributed data network Data ProductsServices ODP
6 What ODP does? Provides tools and services for easy, reliable and semi- automated online metadata submission
7 What ODP does? Provides tools and services for control and monitoring, reporting and statistics of ODP network
8 What ODP does? Provides facility to set up a portals for data consumers
9 What ODP does? Provides tools and services for data distribution (push and pull) to consumers (end-users, systems, services) consumers Discovery interfaces SOAP HTTP REST Delivery Services FTP HTTP push pull CSW FTP Data services ODP network of data providers queries results orders
10 What ODP does NOT? NOT making changes in source data NOT creating a new system and NOT competing with other projects NOT using commercial software, only open source and (L)GPL licensed NOT taking any fees for software NOT providing data duplication check NOT handling data QC NOT restricting data access
11 ODP Key Features. Integration Connect & Share Local databases, structured and unstructured data files, data inventories (FTP,HTTP)
12 ODP Key Features. Integration Manage & Monitor Automatic data provider nodes maintenance (respectively to the data life-cycle), metadata catalogue update/synchronization/publishing, nodes accessibility monitoring, reporting tools and feedback
13 ODP Key Features. Integration Unification & scalability Use of NVS (NERC Vocabulary Service) vocabulary dictionary (easy to extend and substitute) and controlled code lists s
14 ODP Key Features. Access Discovery -> Deliver -> View -> Download
15 ODP Extra Services HTTP-services and Web-services Provides ability to communicate with the ODP on “machine-to-machine” level GIS service Provides near real-time GIS-layer generation from distributed datasets both with interactive and fast presentation of multidisciplinary data and products on a map 15
16 ODP Capacity Building Within the ODP the training of the new collaborative partners consists of two items – an electronic course using OceanTeacher Academy, including supplementary materials as video guides, samples, etc. and practical live training courses hosted in the IODE Project Office or at the client site. Live trainings will be focused mainly on ODP V2 software usage and will differ from ODP V1 trainings that were focused only on Data Provider installation, maintenance and usage
17 BENEFITS FROM ODP The IODE ODP is a key component to achieve the IOC DIM Strategy goals that serve as a multipurpose and multidisciplinary standards-based infrastructure for integration of the data and services of all IOC and related programs, along with other similar external initiatives, into the IODE distributed marine data system, and enabling seamless access to this system.
18 BENEFITS FROM ODP The ODP is primarily focused on issues to provide the substantial social benefits via effective realization of the above- mentioned Strategy which are closely connected with successful achievements of IOC high-level long-term objectives: Prevention and mitigation of natural hazards Mitigation of climate change Safeguarding oceans ecosystems Integrated coastal area management
19 BENEFITS FROM ODP This will result in: reduced financial and time demand on customers of ocean and meteo data and services; better on completeness and time delivery products and services users; increased visibility of NODCs/ADUs producing the ocean observations and related products and services; improved access to data and services by researcher and decision-makers.
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