Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services 1

Protected Characteristics The Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 recommended that schools record, deal effectively with and report to the School Governors and the Local Education Authority all racist incidents which happen in or travelling to and from their school. Whilst this has never been a legal requirement it is considered good practice and an effective means of counteracting racism in schools. The Equality Act 2010 strengthened all existing equality legislation and broadened the sphere by introducing the concept of Protected Characteristics. The Equality Act identified the following Protected Characteristics: - Age Gender Disability Race/Ethnicity Religion/Belief Sexual Orientation/ Transgender Pregnancy/Maternity Marital/Civil Partnership Status * NB The above apply to any persons on school premises, such as staff, visitors, contractors and parents. 2

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services We have recommended that schools extend their reporting systems to recording, dealing with and reporting on incidents which are based on prejudice against any persons protected characteristic or characteristics, including perceived characteristics. This guidance has been produced to help schools deal with all prejudice based incidents 3

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services What is a prejudiced based incident? A prejudice based incident is any incident which is or is perceived to be, by the victim or any other person(s), one which is motivated by an individual’s protected characteristic(s), or perceived characteristic(s). Prejudice based incidents can take many forms including: – physical attacks such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti and arson; – threat of attack including offensive letters, abusive or obscene telephone calls, groups hanging around to intimidate, and unfounded, malicious complaints; – verbal abuse, insults or harassment - taunting, offensive leaflets and posters, abusive gestures, dumping of rubbish outside homes or through letterboxes, and bullying at school or travelling to and from school; – cyber bullying, such as social media. 4

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services Reporting process It is recommended that schools use the proforma provided by the LA. The intention is that schools classify prejudice based bullying incidents according to a to four point scale of reporting: - 1.No offence intended or taken 2.Hurt or distress was caused but offending behaviour unlikely to be repeated 3.Hurt or distress was caused and the person responsible had previously been warned of unacceptable behaviour 4.Hurt or distress was caused and the behaviour was based on substantial hostility and prejudice may be repeated Schools will decide the appropriate action to be taken at each level of prejudice based incident. The number of each level of incidents should be summarised and reported to the local authority at the end of each term. 5

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services Furthermore the Home Office defines the following as hate incidents which may be deemed as hate crimes: - ‘A hate crime is any criminal offence that is motivated by hostility or prejudice based upon the victim's: – disability – race – religion or belief – sexual orientation – transgender identity’ Schools must therefore decide where if any incidents fall into the above category and are of a sufficiently serious nature whether further action involving the Police may be warranted. Further advice on this issue is available from the local authority and/or Police (CRISP Policy – included as an appendix in the guidance). 6

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services What we do with the information The Council will summarise and, as far as is practical, anonymise reports of prejudice based incidents. The summary reports will be discussed by the Children’s Trust Equality and Diversity Group, to analyse levels and identify any trends of prejudice based incidents, and offer support if appropriate. The information will also be shared with the Safeguarding Board, the Children’s Trust, the Council’s Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board, and the Safer Halton Partnership. Further guidance, support and training in prevention and dealing with these incidents will be available on request from the Council. Further information is available from Shelah Semoff. 7

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Bullying Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services What Resources Are Available? On HBC Intranet : Guidance and advice on Interpretation and Translation support Halton Umbrella (Halton’s Black and Minority Ethnic Network) supported via Community Development Team Children’s Trust Equality & Diversity Group HBC Officer Support – advice and guidance – Ann McIntyre and Shélah Semoff Halton’s SEND Local Office ( Directory of Places of Worship close to Halton (available from officers) Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Race & Equality Centre (CHAWREC)

Recording and Reporting Prejudiced Based Bullying Incidents Guidance for Schools and Children’s Services    Bullying-Guidance-for-Schools.pdf Bullying-Guidance-for-Schools.pdf      9