Brief report on May 09 running with ScECAL and AHCAL S. Uozumi (Kobe) Jun CALICE TB meeting
Black … plan Red … actual schedule Nominal operation time 4am – 6pm (14 hrs). There were accelerator problems happened frequently. We could get extra beam for compensation (thanks to Erik), but lost time not fully recovered. However we have taken almost sufficient amount of data.
Plan vs Achieved (ScECAL +AHCAL combined run) OK (except 60 GeV) OK Partially successful Almost OK OK
Gain change – temperature ? (min) ScECAL Air conditioner repaired during electron energy scan
Very Preliminary Results (ScECAL part) Measured energy (MIPs) Effect of MPPC saturation Pi/mu contamination? Non-zero constant term ? (2.3%)
An idea - Pedestal fluctuation contributes the large constant term? Normal pedestal width is ADC counts per a channel If the pedestal fluctuation is independent among all the 2160 ScECAL channels, sum of pedestal will be sqrt(2160) x 30 = 1400 counts. However we observed RMS of pedestal sum is ~15000 counts, presumably due to correlation of pedestal among some of the channels. Even with zero-suppression, this might contribute to the large constant term. Investigation is still underway…
AHCAL standalone part (by Erika)
Summary of AHCAL stand alone run May 2009 E [GeV}particlecenteredgecornerdisplaced10 deg30 deg pi50 k ev -2pi300 k ev -4pi380 k ev 10pi200 k ev 150 k ev 20pi200 k ev 30pi200 k ev 10p200 k ev 15p100 k ev e140 k ev -2e200 k ev150 k ev90 k ev -4e200 k ev150 k ev -6e200 k ev150 k ev140 k ev -10e200 k ev 140 k ev -20e300 k ev200 k ev 150 k ev200 k ev too few points too few points
Achieved program (HCAL standalone part) compared to run plan: Energy scan with pion / electronok Position scan with electronstoo few position points Angular scan e ok / pi 30 deg, few E points Displaced pion only 2 runs (~ 4 planned) ok Proton run ok Very low energy point EXTRA !
Grand Summary Almost all the data taking successful. Problems on preliminary results not yet perfectly understood. Extensive offline analysis effort is being started. – Investigation of problems (gain drop, 1GeV e-, etc…) – Preparation of ScECAL reconstruction codes as a part of CALICE software We appreciate all the colleagues, shifters, Erik Ramberg, Rick Colemann and FNAL beams division people.